import enum import logging import threading from datetime import datetime as dt from datetime import timedelta from typing import Dict, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union from PyQt6 import QtCore, QtDBus from PyQt6.QtCore import QTimer from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication from vorta import application from vorta.borg.check import BorgCheckJob from vorta.borg.create import BorgCreateJob from vorta.borg.list_repo import BorgListRepoJob from vorta.borg.prune import BorgPruneJob from vorta.i18n import translate from vorta.notifications import VortaNotifications from import BackupProfileModel, EventLogModel logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ScheduleStatusType(enum.Enum): SCHEDULED = # date provided UNSCHEDULED = # Unknown TOO_FAR_AHEAD = # QTimer range exceeded, date provided NO_PREVIOUS_BACKUP = # run a manual backup first class ScheduleStatus(NamedTuple): type: ScheduleStatusType time: Optional[dt] = None class VortaScheduler(QtCore.QObject): #: The schedule for the profile with the given id changed. schedule_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int) def __init__(self): super().__init__() #: mapping of profiles to timers self.timers: Dict[int, Dict[str, Union[Optional[QTimer], Optional[dt], ScheduleStatusType]]] = dict() application.VortaApp = QApplication.instance() self.lock = threading.Lock() # pausing will prevent scheduling for a specified time self.pauses: Dict[int, Tuple[dt, QtCore.QTimer]] = dict() # Set additional timer to make sure background tasks stay scheduled. # E.g. after hibernation self.qt_timer = QTimer() self.qt_timer.timeout.connect(self.reload_all_timers) self.qt_timer.setInterval(15 * 60 * 1000) self.qt_timer.start() # connect signals res: self.set_timer_for_profile(res['params']['profile_id'])) # connect to `systemd-logind` to receive sleep/resume events # The signal `PrepareForSleep` will be emitted before and after hibernation. service = "org.freedesktop.login1" path = "/org/freedesktop/login1" interface = "org.freedesktop.login1.Manager" name = "PrepareForSleep" bus = QtDBus.QDBusConnection.systemBus() if bus.isConnected() and bus.interface().isServiceRegistered(service).value(): self.bus = bus self.bus.connect(service, path, interface, name, "b", self.loginSuspendNotify) else: logger.warn('Failed to connect to DBUS interface to detect sleep/resume events') @QtCore.pyqtSlot(bool) def loginSuspendNotify(self, suspend: bool): if not suspend: logger.debug("Got login suspend/resume notification") self.reload_all_timers() def tr(self, *args, **kwargs): scope = self.__class__.__name__ return translate(scope, *args, **kwargs) def pause(self, profile_id: int, until: Optional[dt] = None): """ Call a timeout for scheduling of a given profile. If `until` is omitted, a default time for the break is calculated. .. warning:: This method won't work correctly when called from a non-`QThread`. Parameters ---------- profile_id : int The profile to pause the scheduling for. until : Optional[dt], optional The time to end the pause, by default None """ profile = BackupProfileModel.get_or_none(id=profile_id) if profile is None: # profile doesn't exist any more. return if profile.schedule_mode == 'off': return if until is None: # calculate default timeout if profile.schedule_mode == 'interval': interval = timedelta(**{profile.schedule_interval_unit: profile.schedule_interval_count}) else: # fixed interval = timedelta(days=1) timeout = interval // 6 # 60 / 6 = 10 [min] timeout = max(min(timeout, timedelta(hours=1)), timedelta(minutes=1)) # 1 <= t <= 60 until = + timeout elif until < return # remove existing schedule self.remove_job(profile_id) # setting timer for reschedule is not possible if called # from a non-QThread - it won't fail but won't work timer_value = max(1, (until - timer = QtCore.QTimer() timer.setInterval(int(timer_value * 1000) + 100) timer.timeout.connect(lambda: self.set_timer_for_profile(profile_id)) timer.start() # set timeout/pause other_pause = self.pauses.get(profile_id) if other_pause is not None: logger.debug(f"Override existing timeout for profile {profile_id}") self.pauses[profile_id] = (until, timer) logger.debug(f"Paused {profile_id} until {until.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}") def unpause(self, profile_id: int): """ Return to scheduling for a profile. Parameters ---------- profile_id : int The profile to end the timeout for. """ profile = BackupProfileModel.get_or_none(id=profile_id) if profile is None: # profile doesn't exist any more. return pause = self.pauses.get(profile_id) if pause is None: # already unpaused return dummy, timer = pause timer.stop() del self.pauses[profile_id] logger.debug(f"Unpaused {profile_id}") self.set_timer_for_profile(profile_id) def paused(self, profile_id: int) -> bool: """ Determine whether scheduling for a profile is paused Parameters ---------- profile_id : int Returns ------- bool """ return self.pauses.get(profile_id) is not None def set_timer_for_profile(self, profile_id: int): """ Set a timer for next scheduled backup run of this profile. Removes existing jobs if set to manual only or no repo is assigned. Else will look for previous scheduled backups and catch up if schedule_make_up_missed is enabled. Or, if catch-up is not enabled, will add interval to last run to find next suitable backup time. """ profile = BackupProfileModel.get_or_none(id=profile_id) if profile is None: # profile doesn't exist any more. return with self.lock: # Acquire lock self.remove_job(profile_id) # reset schedule pause = self.pauses.get(profile_id) if pause is not None: pause_end, timer = pause if < pause_end: logger.debug( 'Nothing scheduled for profile %s ' + 'because of timeout until %s.', profile_id, pause[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), ) return else: timer.stop() del self.pauses[profile_id] if profile.repo is None: # No backups without repo set logger.debug( 'Nothing scheduled for profile %s because of unset repo.', profile_id, ) # Emit signal so that e.g. the GUI can react to the new schedule self.schedule_changed.emit(profile_id) return if profile.schedule_mode == 'off': logger.debug('Scheduler for profile %s is disabled.', profile_id) # Emit signal so that e.g. the GUI can react to the new schedule self.schedule_changed.emit(profile_id) return'Setting timer for profile %s', profile_id) # determine last backup time last_run_log = ( .where( EventLogModel.subcommand == 'create', EventLogModel.category == 'scheduled', EventLogModel.profile ==, 0 <= EventLogModel.returncode <= 1, ) .order_by(EventLogModel.end_time.desc()) .first() ) if last_run_log is None: # look for non scheduled (manual) backup runs last_run_log = ( .where( EventLogModel.subcommand == 'create', EventLogModel.profile ==, 0 <= EventLogModel.returncode <= 1, ) .order_by(EventLogModel.end_time.desc()) .first() ) if last_run_log is None: f"Nothing scheduled for profile {profile_id} " + "because it would be the first backup " + "for this profile." ) self.timers[profile_id] = {'type': ScheduleStatusType.NO_PREVIOUS_BACKUP} # Emit signal so that e.g. the GUI can react to the new schedule self.schedule_changed.emit(profile_id) return # calculate next scheduled time if profile.schedule_mode == 'interval': last_time: dt = last_run_log.end_time interval = {profile.schedule_interval_unit: profile.schedule_interval_count} next_time = last_time + timedelta(**interval) elif profile.schedule_mode == 'fixed': last_time = last_run_log.end_time next_time = last_time.replace( hour=profile.schedule_fixed_hour, minute=profile.schedule_fixed_minute, second=0, microsecond=0, ) + timedelta(days=1) else: # unknown schedule mode raise ValueError("Unknown schedule mode '{}'".format(profile.schedule_mode)) # handle missing of a scheduled time if next_time <= if profile.schedule_make_up_missed: self.lock.release() try: logger.debug( 'Catching up by running job for %s (%s)',, profile_id, ) self.create_backup(profile_id) finally: self.lock.acquire() # with-statement will try to release return # create_backup will lead to a call to this method # calculate next time from now if profile.schedule_mode == 'interval': # next_time % interval should be 0 # while next_time > now delta = - last_time next_time = - delta % timedelta(**interval) next_time += timedelta(**interval) elif profile.schedule_mode == 'fixed': # schedule for today next_time = hour=profile.schedule_fixed_hour, minute=profile.schedule_fixed_minute, second=0, microsecond=0, ) if next_time <= # time for today has passed, schedule for tomorrow next_time += timedelta(days=1) # start QTimer timer_ms = (next_time - * 1000 if timer_ms < 2**31 - 1: logger.debug('Scheduling next run for %s', next_time) timer = QTimer() timer.setSingleShot(True) timer.setInterval(int(timer_ms)) timer.timeout.connect(lambda: self.create_backup(profile_id)) timer.start() self.timers[profile_id] = { 'qtt': timer, 'dt': next_time, 'type': ScheduleStatusType.SCHEDULED, } else: # int to big to pass it to qt which expects a c++ int # wait 15 min for regular reschedule logger.debug(f"Couldn't schedule for {next_time} because " f"timer value {timer_ms} too large.") self.timers[profile_id] = { 'dt': next_time, 'type': ScheduleStatusType.TOO_FAR_AHEAD, } # Emit signal so that e.g. the GUI can react to the new schedule self.schedule_changed.emit(profile_id) def reload_all_timers(self): logger.debug('Refreshing all scheduler timers') for profile in self.set_timer_for_profile( def next_job(self): now = def is_scheduled(timer): return timer["type"] == ScheduleStatusType.SCHEDULED and timer["qtt"].isActive() and timer["dt"] >= now scheduled = {profile_id: timer for profile_id, timer in self.timers.items() if is_scheduled(timer)} if len(scheduled) == 0: return"None scheduled") closest_job = min(scheduled.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]["dt"]) profile_id, timer = closest_job time = timer["dt"] profile = BackupProfileModel.get_or_none(id=profile_id) time_format = "%H:%M" if time - now > timedelta(days=1): time_format = "%b %d, %H:%M" return f"{time.strftime(time_format)} ({})" def next_job_for_profile(self, profile_id: int) -> ScheduleStatus: job = self.timers.get(profile_id) if job is None: return ScheduleStatus(ScheduleStatusType.UNSCHEDULED) return ScheduleStatus(job['type'], time=job.get('dt')) def create_backup(self, profile_id): notifier = VortaNotifications.pick() profile = BackupProfileModel.get_or_none(id=profile_id) if profile is None:'Profile not found. Maybe deleted?') return # Skip if a job for this profile (repo) is already in progress if logger.debug('A job for repo %s is already active.', self.pause(profile_id) return with self.lock:'Starting background backup for %s', notifier.deliver('Vorta Backup'),'Starting background backup for %s.') %, level='info', ) msg = BorgCreateJob.prepare(profile) if msg['ok']:'Preparation for backup successful.') msg['category'] = 'scheduled' job = BorgCreateJob(msg['cmd'], msg, job.result.connect(self.notify) else: logger.error('Conditions for backup not met. Aborting.') logger.error(msg['message']) notifier.deliver('Vorta Backup'), translate('messages', msg['message']), level='error', ) self.pause(profile_id) def notify(self, result): notifier = VortaNotifications.pick() profile_name = result['params']['profile_name'] profile_id = result['params']['profile'].id if result['returncode'] in [0, 1]: notifier.deliver('Vorta Backup'),'Backup successful for %s.') % profile_name, level='info', )'Backup creation successful.') # unpause scheduler self.unpause(result['params']['profile_id']) self.post_backup_tasks(profile_id) else: notifier.deliver('Vorta Backup'),'Error during backup creation.'), level='error', ) logger.error('Error during backup creation.') # pause scheduler # if a scheduled backup fails the scheduler should pause # temporarily. self.pause(result['params']['profile_id']) self.set_timer_for_profile(profile_id) def post_backup_tasks(self, profile_id): """ Pruning and checking after successful backup. """ profile = BackupProfileModel.get(id=profile_id)'Doing post-backup jobs for %s', if profile.prune_on: msg = BorgPruneJob.prepare(profile) if msg['ok']: job = BorgPruneJob(msg['cmd'], msg, # Refresh archives msg = BorgListRepoJob.prepare(profile) if msg['ok']: job = BorgListRepoJob(msg['cmd'], msg, validation_cutoff = - timedelta(days=7 * profile.validation_weeks) recent_validations = ( .where( (EventLogModel.subcommand == 'check') & (EventLogModel.start_time > validation_cutoff) & (EventLogModel.repo_url == profile.repo.url) ) .count() ) if profile.validation_on and recent_validations == 0: msg = BorgCheckJob.prepare(profile) if msg['ok']: job = BorgCheckJob(msg['cmd'], msg,'Finished background task for profile %s', def remove_job(self, profile_id): if profile_id in self.timers: qtimer = self.timers[profile_id].get('qtt') if qtimer is not None: qtimer.stop() del self.timers[profile_id]