import os import sys from import SettingsModel def get_updater(): if sys.platform == 'darwin' and getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): """ Use Sparkle framework on macOS. Settings: Examples: To debug: $ defaults read com.borgbase.client.macos """ import Cocoa import objc bundle_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(sys.executable), os.pardir, 'Frameworks', 'Sparkle.framework', ) objc.loadBundle('Sparkle', globals(), bundle_path) sparkle = SUUpdater.sharedUpdater() # noqa: F821 # A default Appcast URL is set in vorta.spec, when setting it here it's saved to defaults, # so we need both cases. if SettingsModel.get(key='updates_include_beta').value: appcast_nsurl = Cocoa.NSURL.URLWithString_('') else: appcast_nsurl = Cocoa.NSURL.URLWithString_('') sparkle.setFeedURL_(appcast_nsurl) if SettingsModel.get(key='check_for_updates').value: sparkle.setAutomaticallyChecksForUpdates_(True) sparkle.checkForUpdatesInBackground() sparkle.setAutomaticallyDownloadsUpdates_(False) return sparkle else: # TODO: implement for Linux return None