# Contributing [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/borgbase/vorta.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/borgbase/vorta) First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! All contributions that improve Vorta for everyone are welcome. Before coding a new feature it's usually best to discuss it with other users under [Issues](https://github.com/borgbase/vorta/issues). Once everything is clear, follow the instructions below to ## Local Development Setup Clone the latest version of this repo ``` $ git clone https://github.com/borgbase/vorta/ ``` Install in development/editable mode while in the repo root: ``` $ pip install -e . ``` Install additional developer packages (pytest, tox, pyinstaller): ``` pip install -r requirements.d/dev.txt ``` Then run as Python script. Any changes from your source folder should be reflected. ``` $ vorta ``` ## Working on the GUI Qt Creator is used to edit views. Install from [their site](https://www.qt.io/download) or using Homebrew and then open the .ui files in `vorta/assets/UI` with Qt Creator: ``` $ brew cask install qt-creator $ brew install qt ``` For UI icons, we use Fontawesome. You can browse available icons [here](https://fontawesome.com/icons) and download them as SVG [here](https://github.com/encharm/Font-Awesome-SVG-PNG). New icons are first added to both `src/vorta/assets/icons/dark/collection.qrc` and `src/vorta/assets/icons/light/collection.qrc`. Then, the command `make icon-resources` is run to compile them to a resource file which is used by the UI files. ## Building Binaries To build a macOS app package: - add `Sparkle.framework` from [here](https://github.com/sparkle-project/Sparkle) and `borg` from [here](https://github.com/borgbackup/borg/releases) in `bin/macosx64` - then uncomment or change the Apple signing profile to be used in `Makefile` - finally run to `$ make Vorta.app` to build the app into the `dist` folder. ## Testing Tests are in the folder `/tests`. Testing happens at the level of UI components. Calls to `borg` are mocked and can be replaced with some example json-output. To run tests: ``` $ pytest ``` To test for style errors: ``` $ flake8 ``` ## Translations Translations are updated there: https://www.Transifex.com/borgbase/vorta/ ### Policy for Translations - No google translate or other automated translation. - Only native or as-good-as-native speakers should translate. - As there is a need for continued maintenance, a translator should be also a user of vorta, having some own interest in the translation (one-time translations are not that helpful if there is no one updating them regularly) - A translation must have >90% translated strings. If a translation falls and stays below that for a longer time, it will not be used by vorta and ultimately, it will get removed from the repository also. ### Adding a New Language - Only add a new language if you are willing to also update the translation in future, when new strings are added and existing strings change. - Request a new language by opening a new issue on Github. We will then add it on Transifex. ### Updating a Language - Please only work on a translation if you are a native speaker or you have similar language skills. - Open a new issue on Github. - Edit the language on Transifex. ### Using and Testing Transifex Translations - Extract from source files (needed after most code changes to update line number): `make translations-from-source` - Push to Transifex: `make translations-push` - Pull finished translations from Transifex: `make translations-pull` - Compile: `make translations-to-qm` - Test with specific translation: `LANG=de vorta` - Scale strings to test UI: `LANG=de TRANS_SCALE=200 vorta --foreground` ### Notes for Developers - Original strings in `.ui` and `.py` must be American English (en_US) and ASCII. - In English, not translated: - log messages (log file as well as log output on console or elsewhere) - other console output, print(). - docs - py source code, comments, docstrings - Translated: - GUI texts / messages - In Qt (sub)classes, use self.tr("English string"), scope will be the instance class name. - Elsewhere use vorta.i18n.translate("scopename", "English string") - To only mark for string extraction, but not immediately translate, use vorta.i18n.trans_late function. Later, to translate, use vorta.i18n.translate (giving same scope). ### Style Guide/Glossary - Headings, buttons and dropdowns are titleized: "Apply Changes" - Field labels (same or next line) end with a colon and are titleized. "Allowed Networks:" - No full stop `.` at the end of short labels, but when it's a full sentence. - If something is in progress, use three dots (no ellipsis): "Starting backup..." - **Repo/repository** = local or remote folder where Borg stores files. - **Archive** (not snapshot) = result of `borg create` execution, an identifier to find a collection of files in a repo, as they existed at a past point in time. ### Required Software To successfully run the translation-related Makefile targets, the translations maintainer needs: - `make` tool - `pylupdate5` (from PyQt) - `lrelease` (from Qt package) - `tx` Transifex client (PyPI package `transifex-client`, contained in requirements.d/dev.txt) Install on Debian 9 "Stretch": ``` $ apt install qttools5-dev-tools pyqt5-dev-tools ``` Install on macOS via Homebrew: ``` $ cd requirements.d && brew bundle ```