import pytest import peewee import sys import os from datetime import datetime as dt from unittest.mock import MagicMock import vorta from vorta.models import (RepoModel, RepoPassword, BackupProfileModel, SourceFileModel, SettingsModel, ArchiveModel, WifiSettingModel, EventLogModel, SchemaVersion) models = [RepoModel, RepoPassword, BackupProfileModel, SourceFileModel, SettingsModel, ArchiveModel, WifiSettingModel, EventLogModel, SchemaVersion] def pytest_configure(config): sys._called_from_test = True @pytest.fixture(scope='function', autouse=True) def init_db(qapp): vorta.models.db.drop_tables(models) vorta.models.init_db() new_repo = RepoModel(url='') profile = BackupProfileModel.get(id=1) profile.repo = test_archive = ArchiveModel(snapshot_id='99999', name='test-archive', time=dt(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0), repo=1) test_archive1 = ArchiveModel(snapshot_id='99998', name='test-archive1', time=dt(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0), repo=1) source_dir = SourceFileModel(dir='/tmp/another', repo=new_repo) qapp.open_main_window_action() @pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True) def local_en(): """ Some tests use English strings. So override whatever language the current user has and run the tests with the English UI. """ os.environ['LANG'] = 'en_US' @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def qapp(tmpdir_factory, local_en): tmp_db = tmpdir_factory.mktemp('Vorta').join('settings.sqlite') mock_db = peewee.SqliteDatabase(str(tmp_db)) vorta.models.init_db(mock_db) from vorta.application import VortaApp VortaApp.set_borg_details_action = MagicMock() # Can't use pytest-mock in session scope VortaApp.scheduler = MagicMock() qapp = VortaApp([]) # Only init QApplication once to avoid segfaults while testing. yield qapp @pytest.fixture def choose_file_dialog(*args): class MockFileDialog: def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def open(self, func): func() def selectedFiles(self): return ['/tmp'] return MockFileDialog @pytest.fixture def borg_json_output(): def _read_json(subcommand): stdout = open(f'tests/borg_json_output/{subcommand}_stdout.json') stderr = open(f'tests/borg_json_output/{subcommand}_stderr.json') return stdout, stderr return _read_json