import enum import json import logging from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime from pathlib import PurePath from typing import Optional, Union from PyQt6 import uic from PyQt6.QtCore import ( QDateTime, QLocale, QMimeData, QModelIndex, QPoint, Qt, QThread, QUrl, ) from PyQt6.QtGui import QColor, QKeySequence, QShortcut from PyQt6.QtWidgets import ( QApplication, QDialogButtonBox, QHeaderView, QMenu, QPushButton, ) from import SettingsModel from vorta.utils import borg_compat, get_asset, pretty_bytes, uses_dark_mode from vorta.views.utils import get_colored_icon from .partials.treemodel import ( FileSystemItem, FileTreeModel, FileTreeSortProxyModel, path_to_str, relative_path, ) uifile = get_asset("UI/extractdialog.ui") ExtractDialogUI, ExtractDialogBase = uic.loadUiType(uifile) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ParseThread(QThread): """A thread parsing diff results.""" def __init__(self, fs_data: str, model, parent=None): """Init.""" super().__init__(parent) self.model = model self.fs_data = fs_data def run(self) -> None: """Do the work""" # handle case of a single line of result, which will already be a dict if isinstance(self.fs_data, dict): lines = [self.fs_data] else: lines = [json.loads(line) for line in self.fs_data.split("\n") if line] parse_json_lines(lines, self.model) class ExtractDialog(ExtractDialogBase, ExtractDialogUI): """ Show the contents of an archive and allow choosing what to extract. """ def __init__(self, archive, model): """Init.""" super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.model = model self.model.setParent(self) view = self.treeView view.setAlternatingRowColors(True) view.setUniformRowHeights(True) # Allows for scrolling optimizations. # custom context menu self.treeView.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.ContextMenuPolicy.CustomContextMenu) self.treeView.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.treeview_context_menu) # add sort proxy model self.sortproxy = ExtractSortProxyModel(self) self.sortproxy.setSourceModel(self.model) view.setModel(self.sortproxy) self.sortproxy.sorted.connect(self.slot_sorted) view.setSortingEnabled(True) # header header = view.header() header.setStretchLastSection(False) header.setSectionResizeMode(1, QHeaderView.ResizeMode.ResizeToContents) header.setSectionResizeMode(2, QHeaderView.ResizeMode.ResizeToContents) header.setSectionResizeMode(3, QHeaderView.ResizeMode.ResizeToContents) header.setSectionResizeMode(0, QHeaderView.ResizeMode.Stretch) # shortcuts shortcut_copy = QShortcut(QKeySequence.StandardKey.Copy, self.treeView) shortcut_copy.activated.connect(self.copy_item) # add extract button to button box self.extractButton = QPushButton(self) self.extractButton.setObjectName("extractButton") self.extractButton.setText("Extract")) self.buttonBox.addButton(self.extractButton, QDialogButtonBox.ButtonRole.AcceptRole) self.archiveNameLabel.setText(f"{}, {archive.time}") diff_result_display_mode = SettingsModel.get(key='extract_files_display_mode').str_value # connect signals self.comboBoxDisplayMode.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.change_display_mode) self.comboBoxDisplayMode.setCurrentIndex(int(diff_result_display_mode)) self.bFoldersOnTop.toggled.connect(self.sortproxy.keepFoldersOnTop) self.bCollapseAll.clicked.connect(self.treeView.collapseAll) self.buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.close) self.buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept) self.set_icons() # Connect to palette change QApplication.instance().paletteChanged.connect(lambda p: self.set_icons()) def retranslateUi(self, dialog): """Retranslate strings in ui.""" super().retranslateUi(dialog) # setupUi calls retranslateUi if hasattr(self, "extractButton"): self.extractButton.setText("Extract")) def set_icons(self): """Set or update the icons in the right color scheme.""" self.bFoldersOnTop.setIcon(get_colored_icon('folder-on-top')) self.bCollapseAll.setIcon(get_colored_icon('angle-up-solid')) self.comboBoxDisplayMode.setItemIcon(0, get_colored_icon("view-list-tree")) self.comboBoxDisplayMode.setItemIcon(1, get_colored_icon("view-list-tree")) def slot_sorted(self, column, order): """React to the tree view being sorted.""" # reveal selection selectedRows = self.treeView.selectionModel().selectedRows() if selectedRows: self.treeView.scrollTo(selectedRows[0]) def copy_item(self, index: QModelIndex = None): """ Copy an item path to the clipboard. Copies the first selected item if no index is specified. """ if index is None or (not index.isValid()): indexes = self.treeView.selectionModel().selectedRows() if not indexes: return index = indexes[0] index = self.sortproxy.mapToSource(index) item: ExtractFileItem = index.internalPointer() path = PurePath('/', *item.path) data = QMimeData() data.setUrls([QUrl(path.as_uri())]) data.setText(str(path)) QApplication.clipboard().setMimeData(data) def change_display_mode(self, selection: int): """ Change the display mode of the tree view The `selection` parameter specifies the index of the selected mode in `comboBoxDisplayMode`. """ if selection == 0: mode = FileTreeModel.DisplayMode.TREE self.bCollapseAll.setEnabled(True) elif selection == 1: mode = FileTreeModel.DisplayMode.SIMPLIFIED_TREE self.bCollapseAll.setEnabled(True) else: raise Exception("Unknown item in comboBoxDisplayMode with index {}".format(selection)) SettingsModel.update({SettingsModel.str_value: str(selection)}).where( SettingsModel.key == 'extract_files_display_mode' ).execute() self.model.setMode(mode) def treeview_context_menu(self, pos: QPoint): """Display a context menu for `treeView`.""" index = self.treeView.indexAt(pos) if not index.isValid(): # popup only for items return menu = QMenu(self.treeView) menu.addAction(get_colored_icon('copy'),"Copy"), lambda: self.copy_item(index)) if self.model.getMode() != self.model.DisplayMode.FLAT: menu.addSeparator() menu.addAction( get_colored_icon('angle-down-solid'),"Expand recursively"), lambda: self.treeView.expandRecursively(index), ) menu.popup(self.treeView.viewport().mapToGlobal(pos)) def parse_json_lines(lines, model: "ExtractTree"): """Parse json output of `borg list`.""" for item in lines: path = PurePath(item["path"]) size = item["size"] mode = item["mode"] file_type = FileType(mode[0]) user = item["user"] group = item["group"] health = item["healthy"] source_path = item["source"] if "source" in item else None # For python >= 3.7 this would work # modified = datetime.fromisoformat(item["mtime"]).ctime() # for python == 3.6 this must do the job # try: # modified = datetime.strptime(item["mtime"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") # except ValueError: # modified = datetime.strptime(item["mtime"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") modified = QDateTime.fromString( item['isomtime' if borg_compat.check('V122') else 'mtime'], Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs ) model.addItem( ( path, FileData(file_type, size, mode, user, group, health, modified, source_path), ) ) # ---- Sorting --------------------------------------------------------------- class ExtractSortProxyModel(FileTreeSortProxyModel): """ Sort a ExtractTree model. """ def choose_data(self, index: QModelIndex): """Choose the data of index used for comparison.""" item: ExtractFileItem = index.internalPointer() column = index.column() if column == 0: # file name return self.extract_path(index) elif column == 1: return elif column == 2: return else: return # ---- ExtractTree ----------------------------------------------------------- class FileType(enum.Enum): """File type of an item inside a borg archive.""" FILE = "-" DIRECTORY = "d" SYMBOLIC_LINK = "l" LINK = SYMBOLIC_LINK HARD_LINK = "h" FIFO = "p" SOCKET = "s" CHRDEV = "c" BLKDEV = "b" @dataclass class FileData: """The data linked to a item inside a borg archive.""" file_type: FileType size: int mode: str user: str group: str health: bool last_modified: QDateTime source_path: Optional[str] = None # only relevant for links checkstate: Qt.CheckState = Qt.CheckState.Unchecked # whether to extract the file (0, 1 or 2) checked_children: int = 0 # number of children checked ExtractFileItem = FileSystemItem[FileData] class ExtractTree(FileTreeModel[FileData]): """The file tree model for diff results.""" def _make_filesystemitem(self, path, data): return super()._make_filesystemitem(path, data) def _merge_data(self, item, data): if data: logger.debug("Overriding data for {}".format(path_to_str(item.path))) return super()._merge_data(item, data) def _flat_filter(self, item): """ Return whether an item is part of the flat model representation. The item's data might have not been set yet. """ return and not item.children def _simplify_filter(self, item: ExtractFileItem) -> bool: """ Return whether an item may be merged in simplified mode. Allows simplification for every item. """ return True def _process_child(self, child): """ Process a new child. This can make some changes to the child's data like setting a default value if the child's data is None. This can also update the data of the parent. This must emit `dataChanged` if data is changed. Parameters ---------- child : FileSystemItem The child that was added. """ parent = child._parent if not = FileData(FileType.DIRECTORY, 0, "", "", "", True, if != 0: # update size size = def add_size(parent): if parent is self.root: return if is None: raise Exception("Item {} without data".format(path_to_str(parent.path))) else: += size # update parent parent = parent._parent if parent: add_size(parent) add_size(parent) def columnCount(self, parent: QModelIndex = QModelIndex()) -> int: """ Returns the number of columns for the children of the given parent. This corresponds to the number of data (column) entries shown for each item in the tree view. Parameters ---------- parent : QModelIndex, optional The index of the parent, by default QModelIndex() Returns ------- int The number of rows. """ # name, last modified, size, health return 4 def headerData( self, section: int, orientation: Qt.Orientation, role: Union[int, Qt.ItemDataRole] = Qt.ItemDataRole.DisplayRole, ): """ Get the data for the given role and section in the given header. The header is identified by its orientation. For horizontal headers, the section number corresponds to the column number. Similarly, for vertical headers, the section number corresponds to the row number. Parameters ---------- section : int The row or column number. orientation : Qt.Orientation The orientation of the header. role : int, optional The data role, by default Qt.ItemDataRole.DisplayRole Returns -------Improve Any The data for the specified header section. """ if orientation == Qt.Orientation.Horizontal and role == Qt.ItemDataRole.DisplayRole: if section == 0: return"Name") elif section == 1: return"Last Modified") elif section == 2: return"Size") elif section == 3: return"Health") return None def data(self, index: QModelIndex, role: Union[int, Qt.ItemDataRole] = Qt.ItemDataRole.DisplayRole): """ Get the data for the given role and index. The indexes internal pointer references the corresponding `FileSystemItem`. Parameters ---------- index : QModelIndex The index of the item. role : int, optional The data role, by default Qt.ItemDataRole.DisplayRole Returns ------- Any The data, return None if no data is available for the role. """ if not index.isValid(): return None item: ExtractFileItem = index.internalPointer() column = index.column() if role == Qt.ItemDataRole.DisplayRole: if column == 0: # name if self.mode == self.DisplayMode.FLAT: return path_to_str(item.path) if self.mode == self.DisplayMode.SIMPLIFIED_TREE: parent = index.parent() if parent == QModelIndex(): return path_to_str(relative_path(self.root.path, item.path)) return path_to_str(relative_path(parent.internalPointer().path, item.path)) # standard tree mode return item.subpath elif column == 1: # last modified return QLocale.system().toString(, QLocale.FormatType.ShortFormat) elif column == 2: # size return pretty_bytes( else: # health return if role == Qt.ItemDataRole.BackgroundRole and column == 3: # health indicator if return QColor( if uses_dark_mode() else QColor(Qt.GlobalColor.darkGreen) else: return QColor( if uses_dark_mode() else QColor(Qt.GlobalColor.darkRed) if role == Qt.ItemDataRole.ToolTipRole: if column == 0: # name column -> display fullpath return path_to_str(item.path) # info/data tooltip -> no real size limitation tooltip_template = ( "{name}\n" + "\n" + "{filetype}\n" + "{permissions}\n" + "{user} {group}\n" + "Modified: {last_modified}\n" + "Health: {health}\n" ) # format if == FileType.FILE: filetype ="File") elif == FileType.DIRECTORY: filetype ="Directory") elif == FileType.LINK: filetype ="Symbolic link") elif == FileType.FIFO: filetype ="FIFO pipe") elif == FileType.HARD_LINK: filetype ="Hard link") elif == FileType.SOCKET: filetype ="Socket") elif == FileType.BLKDEV: filetype ="Block special file") elif == FileType.CHRDEV: filetype ="Character special file") else: raise Exception("Unknown filetype {}".format( modified = QLocale.system().toString( if health ="healthy") else: health ="broken") tooltip = tooltip_template.format( name=item.path[-1], filetype=filetype,,,, last_modified=modified, health=health, ) if tooltip +="Linked to: {}").format( return tooltip if role == Qt.ItemDataRole.CheckStateRole and column == 0: return def setData( self, index: QModelIndex, value: Union[int, Qt.CheckState], role: Union[int, Qt.ItemDataRole] = Qt.ItemDataRole.CheckStateRole, ) -> bool: """ Sets the role data for the item at index to value. Returns true if successful; otherwise returns false. The dataChanged() signal should be emitted if the data was successfully set. """ if role != Qt.ItemDataRole.CheckStateRole: return False # convert int to enum member # PyQt6 will pass Ints where there were IntEnums in PyQt5 if isinstance(value, int): value = Qt.CheckState(value) if isinstance(role, int): role = Qt.ItemDataRole(role) item: ExtractFileItem = index.internalPointer() if value == return True super_index = index.parent() if super_index == QModelIndex(): super_item = self.root else: super_item: ExtractFileItem = super_index.internalPointer() parent = item._parent while parent != super_item: if value == Qt.CheckState.Unchecked: # must have been one of the others previously -= 1 elif == Qt.CheckState.Unchecked: # old value # change from partially checked to checked # or the other way around does not change this count += 1 if = Qt.CheckState.PartiallyChecked else: = Qt.CheckState.Unchecked parent = parent._parent if super_index != QModelIndex(): if value == Qt.CheckState.Unchecked: # must have been one of the others previously -= 1 elif == Qt.CheckState.Unchecked: # change from partially checked to checked # or the other way around does not change this count += 1 # update parent's state and possibly the parent's parent's state if self.setData(super_index, Qt.CheckState.PartiallyChecked, role) else: self.setData(super_index, Qt.CheckState.Unchecked, role) # update state of the children without changing their parents' states if value != Qt.CheckState.PartiallyChecked: self.set_checkstate_recursively(index, value) # update this item's state = value self.dataChanged.emit(index, index, (role,)) return True def set_checkstate_recursively(self, index: QModelIndex, value: Qt.CheckState): """ Set the checkstate of the children of an index recursively. Parameters ---------- index : QModelIndex The parent index to start with. value : Qt.CheckState The state to set. """ number_children = self.rowCount(index) if not number_children: return index.internalPointer().data.checked_children = 0 if value == Qt.CheckState.Unchecked else number_children item = index.internalPointer() for i in range(number_children): child = self.index(i, 0, index) child_item: ExtractFileItem = child.internalPointer() = value # set state of hidden items parent = child_item._parent while parent != item: # hidden parent must have 1 child = 0 if value == Qt.CheckState.Unchecked else self.rowCount(child) = value parent = parent._parent # set state of this child's children self.set_checkstate_recursively(child, value) self.dataChanged.emit( self.index(0, 0, index), self.index(0, number_children - 1, index), (Qt.ItemDataRole.CheckStateRole,), ) def flags(self, index: QModelIndex): """ Returns the item flags for the given index. The base class implementation returns a combination of flags that enables the item (ItemIsEnabled) and allows it to be selected (ItemIsSelectable). Parameters ---------- index : QModelIndex The index. Returns ------- Qt.ItemFlags The flags. """ flags = super().flags(index) if index.column() == 0: flags |= Qt.ItemFlag.ItemIsUserCheckable return flags