import sys import uuid import pytest from import VortaKeyring from vorta.utils import ( find_best_unit_for_sizes, get_path_datasize, is_system_tray_available, normalize_path, pretty_bytes, ) def test_keyring(): UNICODE_PW = 'kjalsdfüadsfäadsfß' REPO = f'ssh://asdf123@vorta-test-repo.{uuid.uuid4()}.com/./repo' # Random repo URL keyring = VortaKeyring.get_keyring() keyring.set_password('vorta-repo', REPO, UNICODE_PW) assert keyring.get_password("vorta-repo", REPO) == UNICODE_PW @pytest.mark.parametrize( "precision, expected_unit", [ (0, 1), # return units as "1" (represents KB), min=100KB (1, 2), # return units as "2" (represents MB), min=0.1MB (2, 2), # still returns KB, since 0.1MB < min=0.001 GB to allow for GB to be best_unit ], ) def test_best_unit_for_sizes_precision(precision, expected_unit): MB = 1000000 sizes = [int(0.1 * MB), 100 * MB, 2000 * MB] best_unit = find_best_unit_for_sizes(sizes, metric=True, precision=precision) assert best_unit == expected_unit @pytest.mark.parametrize( "sizes, expected_unit", [ ([], 0), # no sizes given but should still return "0" (represents bytes) as best representation ([102], 0), # non-metric size 102 < 0.1KB (102 < 0.1 * 1024), so it will return 0 instead of 1 ([103], 1), # non-metric size 103 > 0.1KB (103 < 0.1 * 1024), so it will return 1 ], ) def test_best_unit_for_sizes_nonmetric(sizes, expected_unit): best_unit = find_best_unit_for_sizes(sizes, metric=False, precision=1) assert best_unit == expected_unit @pytest.mark.parametrize( "size, metric, precision, fixed_unit, expected_output", [ (10**5, True, 1, 2, "0.1 MB"), # 100KB, metric, precision 1, fixed unit "2" (MB) (10**6, True, 0, 2, "1 MB"), # 1MB, metric, precision 0, fixed unit "2" (MB) (10**6, True, 1, 2, "1.0 MB"), # 1MB, metric, precision 1, fixed unit "2" (MB) (1024 * 1024, False, 1, 2, "1.0 MiB"), # 1MiB, nonmetric, precision 1, fixed unit "2" (MiB) ], ) def test_pretty_bytes_fixed_units(size, metric, precision, fixed_unit, expected_output): """ test pretty bytes when specifying a fixed unit of measurement """ output = pretty_bytes(size, metric=metric, precision=precision, fixed_unit=fixed_unit) assert output == expected_output @pytest.mark.parametrize( "size, metric, expected_output", [ (10**6, True, "1.0 MB"), # 1MB, metric (10**24, True, "1.0 YB"), # 1YB, metric (10**30, True, "1000000.0 YB"), # test huge number, metric (1024 * 1024, False, "1.0 MiB"), # 1MiB, nonmetric (2**40 * 2**40, False, "1.0 YiB"), # 1YiB, nonmetric ], ) def test_pretty_bytes_nonfixed_units(size, metric, expected_output): # test pretty bytes when NOT specifying a fixed unit of measurement output = pretty_bytes(size, metric=metric, precision=1) assert output == expected_output def test_normalize_path(): """ Test that path is normalized for macOS, but does nothing for other platforms. """ input_path = '/Users/username/caf\u00e9/file.txt' expected_output = '/Users/username/café/file.txt' actual_output = normalize_path(input_path) if sys.platform == 'darwin': assert actual_output == expected_output else: assert actual_output == input_path def test_get_path_datasize(tmpdir): """ Test that get_path_datasize() works correctly when passed excluded patterns. """ # Create a temporary directory for testing test_dir = tmpdir.mkdir("test_dir") test_file = test_dir.join("test_file.txt") test_file.write("Hello, World!") # Create a subdirectory with a file to exclude excluded_dir = test_dir.mkdir("excluded_dir") excluded_file = excluded_dir.join("excluded_file.txt") excluded_file.write("Excluded file, should not be checked.") exclude_patterns = [f"{excluded_dir}"] # Test when the path is a directory data_size, files_count = get_path_datasize(str(test_dir), exclude_patterns) assert data_size == len("Hello, World!") assert files_count == 1 # Test when the path is a file data_size, files_count = get_path_datasize(str(test_file), exclude_patterns) assert data_size == len("Hello, World!") assert files_count == 1 # Test when the path is a directory with an excluded file data_size, files_count = get_path_datasize(str(excluded_dir), exclude_patterns) assert data_size == 0 assert files_count == 0 def test_is_system_tray_available(mocker): """ sanity check to ensure proper behavior """ mocker.patch('PyQt6.QtWidgets.QSystemTrayIcon.isSystemTrayAvailable', return_value=False) assert is_system_tray_available() is False mocker.patch('PyQt6.QtWidgets.QSystemTrayIcon.isSystemTrayAvailable', return_value=True) assert is_system_tray_available() is True