diff --git a/youtube_dl/InfoExtractors.py b/youtube_dl/InfoExtractors.py
index ddb4aa16b..82459e7a8 100644
--- a/youtube_dl/InfoExtractors.py
+++ b/youtube_dl/InfoExtractors.py
@@ -1077,6 +1077,161 @@ class VimeoIE(InfoExtractor):
+class ArteTvIE(InfoExtractor):
+        """arte.tv information extractor."""
+        _VALID_URL = r'(?:http://)?videos\.arte\.tv/(?:fr|de)/videos/.*'
+        _LIVE_URL = r'index-[0-9]+\.html$'
+        IE_NAME = u'arte.tv'
+        def __init__(self, downloader=None):
+                InfoExtractor.__init__(self, downloader)
+        def report_download_webpage(self, video_id):
+                """Report webpage download."""
+                self._downloader.to_screen(u'[arte.tv] %s: Downloading webpage' % video_id)
+        def report_extraction(self, video_id):
+                """Report information extraction."""
+                self._downloader.to_screen(u'[arte.tv] %s: Extracting information' % video_id)
+        def fetch_webpage(self, url):
+                self._downloader.increment_downloads()
+                request = urllib2.Request(url)
+                try:
+                        self.report_download_webpage(url)
+                        webpage = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
+                except (urllib2.URLError, httplib.HTTPException, socket.error), err:
+                        self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: Unable to retrieve video webpage: %s' % str(err))
+                        return
+                except ValueError, err:
+                        self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: Invalid URL: %s' % url)
+                        return
+                return webpage
+        def grep_webpage(self, url, regex, regexFlags, matchTuples):
+                page = self.fetch_webpage(url)
+                mobj = re.search(regex, page, regexFlags)
+                info = {}
+                if mobj is None:
+                    self._downloader.trouble(u'ERROR: Invalid URL: %s' % url)
+                    return
+                for (i, key, err) in matchTuples:
+                    if mobj.group(i) is None:
+                        self._downloader.trouble(err)
+                        return
+                    else:
+                        info[key] = mobj.group(i)
+                return info
+        def extractLiveStream(self, url):
+                video_lang = url.split('/')[-4]
+                info = self.grep_webpage(
+                    url,
+                    r'src="(.*?/videothek_js.*?\.js)',
+                    0,
+                    [
+                        (1, 'url', u'ERROR: Invalid URL: %s' % url)
+                    ]
+                )
+                http_host = url.split('/')[2]
+                next_url = 'http://%s%s' % (http_host, urllib.unquote(info.get('url')))
+                info = self.grep_webpage(
+                    next_url,
+                    r'(s_artestras_scst_geoFRDE_' + video_lang + '.*?)\'.*?' +
+                     '(http://.*?\.swf).*?' +
+                     '(rtmp://.*?)\'',
+                    re.DOTALL,
+                    [
+                        (1, 'path',   u'ERROR: could not extract video path: %s' % url),
+                        (2, 'player', u'ERROR: could not extract video player: %s' % url),
+                        (3, 'url',    u'ERROR: could not extract video url: %s' % url)
+                    ]
+                )
+                video_url = u'%s/%s' % (info.get('url'), info.get('path'))
+                print u'rtmpdump --swfVfy \'%s\' --rtmp \'%s\' --live -o arte-live.mp4' % (info.get('player'), video_url)
+        def extractPlus7Stream(self, url):
+                video_lang = url.split('/')[-3]
+                info = self.grep_webpage(
+                    url,
+                    r'param name="movie".*?videorefFileUrl=(http[^\'"&]*)',
+                    0,
+                    [
+                        (1, 'url', u'ERROR: Invalid URL: %s' % url)
+                    ]
+                )
+                next_url = urllib.unquote(info.get('url'))
+                info = self.grep_webpage(
+                    next_url,
+                    r'<video lang="%s" ref="(http[^\'"&]*)' % video_lang,
+                    0,
+                    [
+                        (1, 'url', u'ERROR: Could not find <video> tag: %s' % url)
+                    ]
+                )
+                next_url = urllib.unquote(info.get('url'))
+                info = self.grep_webpage(
+                    next_url,
+                    r'<video id="(.*?)".*?>.*?' +
+                     '<name>(.*?)</name>.*?' +
+                     '<dateVideo>(.*?)</dateVideo>.*?' +
+                     '<url quality="hd">(.*?)</url>',
+                    re.DOTALL,
+                    [
+                        (1, 'id',    u'ERROR: could not extract video id: %s' % url),
+                        (2, 'title', u'ERROR: could not extract video title: %s' % url),
+                        (3, 'date',  u'ERROR: could not extract video date: %s' % url),
+                        (4, 'url',   u'ERROR: could not extract video url: %s' % url)
+                    ]
+                )
+                return {
+                    'id':           info.get('id'),
+                    'url':          urllib.unquote(info.get('url')),
+                    'uploader':     u'arte.tv',
+                    'upload_date':  info.get('date'),
+                    'title':        info.get('title'),
+                    'ext':          u'mp4',
+                    'format':       u'NA',
+                    'player_url':   None,
+                }
+        def _real_extract(self, url):
+                video_id = url.split('/')[-1]
+                self.report_extraction(video_id)
+                if re.search(self._LIVE_URL, video_id) is not None:
+                    self.extractLiveStream(url)
+                    return
+                else:
+                    info = self.extractPlus7Stream(url)
+                try:
+                        # Process video information
+                        self._downloader.process_info(info)
+                except UnavailableVideoError, err:
+                        self._downloader.trouble(u'\nERROR: unable to download video')
 class GenericIE(InfoExtractor):
 	"""Generic last-resort information extractor."""
diff --git a/youtube_dl/__init__.py b/youtube_dl/__init__.py
index 86951840d..13cf77896 100644
--- a/youtube_dl/__init__.py
+++ b/youtube_dl/__init__.py
@@ -351,6 +351,7 @@ def gen_extractors():
+                ArteTvIE(),