3 API:Calendar
Qstick edited this page 2020-02-29 21:23:01 -05:00

Endpoint: "/calendar"



Gets upcoming movies, if start/end are not supplied movies airing today and tomorrow will be returned


Required: None

Optional: start (date) end (date)

Returns JsonArray
    "title": "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter",
    "sortTitle": "resident evil final chapter",
    "sizeOnDisk": 0,
    "status": "announced",
    "overview": "Alice, Jill, Claire, Chris, Leon, Ada, and Wesker rush to The Hive, where The Red Queen plots total destruction over the human race.",
    "inCinemas": "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z",
    "physicalRelease": "2017-01-27T00:00:00Z",
    "images": [
        "coverType": "poster",
        "url": "/radarr/MediaCover/12/poster.jpg?lastWrite=636208663600000000"
        "coverType": "banner",
        "url": "/radarr/MediaCover/12/banner.jpg?lastWrite=636208663600000000"
    "website": "",
    "downloaded": false,
    "year": 2017,
    "hasFile": false,
    "youTubeTrailerId": "B5yxr7lmxhg",
    "studio": "Impact Pictures",
    "path": "/path/to/Resident Evil The Final Chapter (2017)",
    "profileId": 3,
    "monitored": false,
    "runtime": 106,
    "lastInfoSync": "2017-01-24T14:52:40.315434Z",
    "cleanTitle": "residentevilfinalchapter",
    "imdbId": "tt2592614",
    "tmdbId": 173897,
    "titleSlug": "resident-evil-the-final-chapter-2017",
    "genres": [
      "Science Fiction"
    "tags": [],
    "added": "2017-01-24T14:52:39.989964Z",
    "ratings": {
      "votes": 363,
      "value": 4.3
    "alternativeTitles": [
      "Resident Evil: Rising"
    "qualityProfileId": 3,
    "id": 12