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.. _borg_recreate:
borg recreate
usage: borg recreate [-h] [-v] [--debug] [--lock-wait N] [--show-version]
[--show-rc] [--no-files-cache] [--umask M]
[--remote-path PATH] [--list] [--filter STATUSCHARS] [-p]
[-n] [-s] [-e PATTERN] [--exclude-from EXCLUDEFILE]
[--exclude-caches] [--exclude-if-present FILENAME]
[--keep-tag-files] [-C COMPRESSION]
Re-create archives
positional arguments:
repository/archive to recreate
PATH paths to recreate; patterns are supported
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose, --info
enable informative (verbose) output, work on log level
--debug enable debug output, work on log level DEBUG
--lock-wait N wait for the lock, but max. N seconds (default: 1).
--show-version show/log the borg version
--show-rc show/log the return code (rc)
--no-files-cache do not load/update the file metadata cache used to
detect unchanged files
--umask M set umask to M (local and remote, default: 0077)
--remote-path PATH set remote path to executable (default: "borg")
--list output verbose list of items (files, dirs, ...)
--filter STATUSCHARS only display items with the given status characters
-p, --progress show progress display while rewriting archives
-n, --dry-run do not change anything
-s, --stats print statistics at end
-e PATTERN, --exclude PATTERN
exclude paths matching PATTERN
--exclude-from EXCLUDEFILE
read exclude patterns from EXCLUDEFILE, one per line
--exclude-caches exclude directories that contain a CACHEDIR.TAG file
--exclude-if-present FILENAME
exclude directories that contain the specified file
--keep-tag-files keep tag files of excluded caches/directories
select compression algorithm (and level): none == no
compression (default), lz4 == lz4, zlib == zlib
(default level 6), zlib,0 .. zlib,9 == zlib (with
level 0..9), lzma == lzma (default level 6), lzma,0 ..
lzma,9 == lzma (with level 0..9).
specify the chunker parameters (or "default").
Recreate the contents of existing archives.
--exclude, --exclude-from and PATH have the exact same semantics
as in "borg create". If a PATH is specified the resulting archive
will only contain files under PATH.
--compression: all chunks seen will be stored using the given method.
Due to how Borg stores compressed size information this might display
incorrect information for archives that were not rewritten at the same time.
There is no risk of data loss by this.
--chunker-params will re-chunk all files in the archive, this can be
used to have upgraded Borg 0.xx or Attic archives deduplicate with
Borg 1.x archives.
borg recreate is signal safe. Send either SIGINT (Ctrl-C on most terminals) or
SIGTERM to request termination.
Use the *exact same* command line to resume the operation later - changing excludes
or paths will lead to inconsistencies (changed excludes will only apply to newly
processed files/dirs). Changing compression leads to incorrect size information
(which does not cause any data loss, but can be misleading).
Changing chunker params between invocations might lead to data loss.
Permanent data loss by specifying incorrect patterns or PATHS is possible.
When in doubt, use "--dry-run --verbose --list" to see how patterns/PATHS are
The archive being recreated is only removed after the operation completes. The
archive that is built during the operation exists at the same time at
"<ARCHIVE>.recreate". The new archive will have a different archive ID.
When rechunking space usage can be substantial, expect at least the entire
deduplicated size of the archives using the older chunker params.
When recompressing approximately 1 % of the repository size or 512 MB
(whichever is greater) of additional space is used.