IMP: Updated the getUpcoming API method.
Updated the getUpcoming API method to fetch results that match "This Week's Upcoming" as found under "Wanted -> Upcoming Issues" in the Web Interface.
2016-11-02 11:14:02 -04:00
FIX:( #1431 ) Fixed post-processing cleanup when using SAB + files resided in a sub-folder of the path sent from SAB, IMP: Added hardlink/softlink option for non-windows users (note that metatagging is forcibly disabled when these options are enabled), IMP: Added Enforce Permissions option to force Mylar to either force / ensure permissions are as set within Mylar, or to ignore permissions and just try to perform the given action (this is for adding series, post-processing, importing, arcs, etc), FIX: Fixed a problem where if local watchdir was set and a torrent downloader was selected, both would attempt to be used, but only the watchdir was actually utilized (now it's one or the other, never both), FIX: Mylar will now remove issues that are in Failed status that have incorrect Series Data attached, FIX:( #1438 ) When file-checking/post-processing if issue date in Mylar was current year and date in filename was the following year (for end-of-year issues), would cause traceback error, FIX: If series year polled from CV is incorrect or not provided, option is available in Edit Settings of series detail page that allows user to specify the correct series year, FIX:( #1427 ) Fixed a typo when the Scan Library option is used and ComicID's were able to be parsed from the files, FIX: When issues were archived, depending on if series had issues in a Downloaded status or not, would give different results to the Have totals, IMP: Manage tab / Manage Comics now has metatag option available to allow metatagging multiple series in a batch mode, IMP:( #1419 ) When 'write cvinfo' option is enabled, will now also write cvinfo into story arc directories when added / refreshed, FIX: Fixed a problem when group metatag was being used and causing errors, IMP: Manage Failed page now will link back to the series for easier reference, and the 'link' column was removed due to invalid references, FIX: Removed the 'issue not updated' from the series detail page as was not accurate, IMP: Added a Select Filtered Issues button to the series detail page to allow for selecting of all filtered issues (Show ALL MUST be enabled for it to work properly)
2016-11-02 11:00:56 -04:00
FIX: Download post-processing would fail when performing cleanup
2016-10-15 09:13:00 -04:00
FIX:( #1411 ) When arc issue searching using 32p, would cause an error in regards to publisher not being present, FIX:( #1415 ) Fixed error with story arcs and searching when the year isn't specified, FIX: Copy/Move will during post-processing will now cleanup cache files properly, FIX:( #1413 )( #1416 ) Fix for invalid reference when updating Story Arc settings.FIX: Added issue exception for issue 112/113, FIX: When story arc issue did not have an issue name present, would error, FIX: multiple destination dirs won't be scanned if the dir(s) don't exist
2016-10-14 13:52:55 -04:00
FIX: Added Transmission Download Directory option (if not specified will default to Mylar's Folder Monitor directory)
2016-10-12 12:01:51 -04:00
FIX: Fix for story-arc post-processing cleanup when story-arc series are not on the watchlist
2016-10-11 13:55:18 -04:00
FIX: Drop-down options on Manage Comics page were incorrect
2016-10-11 13:25:36 -04:00
FIX: When have total for a series was > 1000, updating status would fail when creating query, FIX: Filechecker/Importer will now account for filenames in the format of 'filename - year - issue', IMP: Added story arc diretory location in GUI when viewing story arc details, FIX: Removed inactive options on Story Arc main page
2016-10-11 11:08:30 -04:00
FIX:( #1405 )( #1406 )( #1408 ) Weekly pull list would not load properly, affected Wanted tab as well, FIX: When refreshing a story arc and storyarc directory was not selected, would scan entire Comic Location path, FIX: Fixed incorrect return when updating settings on Story Arc main page, FIX: Fixed have column creeping into Options column on Story Arc page, FIX: small typo on startup
2016-10-06 13:23:10 -04:00
FIX: error during filecheck/import/manual run regarding issue number
2016-10-05 19:14:57 -04:00
FIX: utorrent library error
2016-10-05 10:19:29 -04:00
FIX: When alt_pull 2 method was offline, would fail to drop-down to alt_pull 0/1 method and continue checking for new releases, FIX:( #1402 ) Fixed adding directly to uTorrent client, FIX: Added some exception traps for when Wanted tab is inaccessible, FIX: Updating public tracker demonoid to use new url for rss feeds, FIX: should now account for unicode issue numbers when filechecking, FIX: Attempt to improve unicode handling when importing, FIX: When importing a series, would not flip into Manual Intevention status when more than one search result came back in some instances
2016-10-05 10:12:58 -04:00
FIX:( #1400 ) Added option to Manage Comics to bulk Recheck Files, FIX:( #1370 ) Fixed multiple problms with the Manage Comics options to mass delete and mass refresh series, FIX: When using alt-pull 2 method for pullist, when pull-list is updated with new info, status on series detail page wouldn't reflect Wanted status, IMP: Added some additoinal publisher logos, FIX: Removed some placeholder options from the Story Arc Details page
2016-09-30 16:10:08 -04:00
FIX:( #1396 ) Story Arc Move error during post-processing when Reading order enabled, and meta-tagging disabled, FIX: When series of same name exists on multiple storyarcs, use store date / pub date to ensure proper series if available
2016-09-20 14:58:58 -04:00
Story Arc Updates
2016-09-16 00:00:17 -04:00
Changed notification message(s) for PushOver
2016-09-11 17:48:01 -04:00
Joe Blow
Updated pushover notification to match format of Pushbullet.
2016-09-11 16:35:07 -04:00
Enabled notifications for the new Public Torrent providers ('Manual Post-Processing - Notify on Completed Torrents')
2016-09-11 16:24:37 -04:00
FIX: Fixed improper url-encoding of multiple spaces that was causing problems with some nzb providers
2016-09-11 16:19:43 -04:00
FIX:( #1379 ) Unable to mark annual as Failed with series-annual integration enabled, FIX:( #1377 ) Partial fix - direct link to CV for series on pullist where the ComicID is known (using alt_pull 2 method)
2016-09-09 12:49:25 -04:00
FIX: Fix for cached RSS Feed returns which did not have a filesize in the db, FIX:( #1372 ) Fixed renamer / post-processor to handle quotation marks in filenames (replace character)
2016-09-07 19:10:17 -04:00
FIX:( #1378 ) Failure to perform meta-tagging due to incorrect library reference, Updated CT to 1.20.1 to reflect the update
2016-09-07 19:08:43 -04:00
FIX: RSS error when retrieving some feeds
2016-09-07 01:34:51 -04:00
Fixed some incorrect lib references
2016-09-07 00:04:42 -04:00
Merge branch 'tresni-lib-in-sys-path' into development
2016-09-06 19:35:25 -04:00
Merge branch 'lib-in-sys-path' of git://github.com/tresni/mylar into tresni-lib-in-sys-path
2016-09-06 11:45:28 -04:00
FIX:( #1358 ) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:( #1372 )( #1369 ) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:( #1373 ) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:( #1366 ) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:( #1370 ) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
Brian Hartvigsen
Unintialized variable needs initialized
2016-08-23 10:18:26 -06:00
Brian Hartvigsen
Clean checkout of rtorrent
`pip install --upgrade --target=. git+https://github.com/cjlucas/rtorrent-python.git@0763434fd43cb6954178f3b04869e2b73f88b817 `
2016-08-23 10:17:54 -06:00
Brian Hartvigsen
Put libs/ in sys.path
Update bs4 to latest version to fix issues
Get clean modules using `pip install --upgrade --target=lib`
Move cherrypy, mako, pystun, bs4 into lib directory
2016-08-23 00:01:41 -06:00
IMP: Added new Public Torrent providers to TPSE option (will use TPSE for searches, and both WWT and DEM to poll RSS Feeds from), FIX: Removed KAT as a provider, IMP: Added ability for Retry Issue option to scan through all previous snatches instead of just using the last option, FIX: Tried to fix problems with Wanted tab causing an error when opening (usually after a new install), IMP: Will now store the last time that Mylar retrieved a pullist with alt_pull =2 method and will check every 2 hours for new issues and/or issues being delayed, FIX: Fixed a notification error when doing one-off downloads from the pull-list, FIX:( #1348 ) Fixed an issue with escape characters when performing a mass update change to the comic location (loc_move setting), FIX:( #1350 ) When post-processing if filename didn't have a year present, and volume of series wasn't given would cause an error
2016-08-20 17:56:30 -04:00
FIX:( #1349 ) Malformed string error when Mass Importing, FIX: When locating files to move/archive during an import run that have been detected with a ComicID, will now locate the files to reference by the ComicID instead of by name
2016-08-15 15:51:58 -04:00
FIX:( #1345 )( #1346 ) six module would cause startup error if it wasn't installed in python
2016-08-11 08:36:03 -04:00
Jonathan Putney
Not appending port to NZBGet host if it's blank
This helps when using reverse proxies, though it would be nice to have the option to set a web_root for something like this.
2016-08-11 02:12:45 -04:00
Jonathan Putney
Swapping NZBGet HTTP/HTTPS check in URL
HTTPS was never being set, because the search was finding 'http' first every time.
2016-08-11 02:12:45 -04:00
FIX: Changed tranmission lib paths to point to current folder (wouldnt run otherwise)
2016-08-11 02:04:53 -04:00
Brian Hartvigsen
Support for transmission
2016-08-11 01:43:11 -04:00
FIX:( #1336 ) Search would crash when attempting to search using a Torznab entry, FIX:( #1338 ) Added try/exception trap for mktime arguements that where trying to convert improperly formatted dates, FIX:( #1335 ) Manage Issue View shows annuals with incorrect Status in multiple status views, IMP: Alt_pull 2 method to check for new/updated pull-list every 4 hours instead of 24 (altpull 0/1), FIX: Fixed an error when parsing a filename that contained an numeric + alpha combination, FIX: On ComicDetails for a series would incorrectly indicate that every issue was a Digital Edition print, FIX: Watch action on weekly pull list fixed - will now either indicate as Add Series when the issue information is available on CV (altpull2), or will stay in a Watched status until the information is populated and then auto-add the given series, FIX: Removed Delete Arc dialog box, and redacted back to just 'Remove Arc' option, FIX:( #1332 ) Unable to Refresh comics via the Manage Comics tab, FIX:( #1135 ) IndexError when importing more than 100 comics (thnx razorsliph), FIX: When importing and comparing against years when no volume present, would use invalid years for comparisons resulting in manual intervention or wrong series, FIX: Manual Intervention linking during Import would return a blank page, FIX: Legacy mode for 32P would result in parse error, FIX: When Importing, and move files was not selected would pass invalid arguements and not update Import Results screen status, FIX: If copy mode enabled and Duplicate Dump Folder would attempt to reprocess/retag copied file repeatidly, FIX: Fixed some typos and removed some more unnecessary logging statements, IMP: Added option to export all issues in a Downloaded status (Manage / Advanced Options)
2016-08-09 21:21:08 -04:00
FIX: Removed some more unnecessary log spamming when seaching, IMP: Added a 'type' field to the comicdetails page which will show whether or not a series is a Print or Digital Edition. This print/digital is also shown on the searchresults page
2016-07-20 15:49:41 -04:00
FIX:( #1321 ) Pull list download button creates 500 Internal Server Error, FIX:( #1323 ) Add One-Off generates 500 Internal Server Error
2016-07-20 15:43:16 -04:00
FIX: When post-processing multiple story-arc issues with manual post-processing, would only post-process the lsat issue in the list
2016-07-20 15:38:17 -04:00
FIX:( #1318 ) fix typo/commented out
2016-07-12 13:00:37 -04:00
FIX: forgot proper variable name
2016-07-12 01:46:12 -04:00
FIX:( #1316 ) Attempted fix for Wanted section being broken after recent update
2016-07-12 01:15:25 -04:00
FIX:( #1317 ) Manual post-processing would not process when volume label in Mylar was None
2016-07-12 00:31:47 -04:00
IMP: Added ALT_PULL=2 method for weeklypull management. Will now update against an external site and pull down already populated ComicID/IssueID's for the series that exist on the pullist. Alternate Search Names aren't needed with this option to match on pullist, as well as CV API Hits are also not used since it is all populated. Also allows for future viewing of pullists (up to 4 weeks in advance), FIX: Alternate search names now will be searched against when doing manual post-processing, FIX: When manually post-processing, if series volume wasn't specified would fail to match against v1 (by default), IMP:( #1309 ) Https_chain option now allowed within config.ini, IMP: 32P pack support on a per series basis (will search individual torrents first before packs), IMP: When pack is snatched, will mark all issues within pack that are not in a Downloaded status as Snatched within Mylar (annuals currently don't work), IMP: Removed unnecessary config spamming on startup when verbose mode was enabled, IMP: Allow for searching on 32p against series+publisher for some titles that distinguish between series by different publisher, IMP: Better series matching when trying to find series matches on 32P, FIX: When metatagging, if volume label is not provided within Mylar would default to None (now will be v1), IMP:( #1304 ) Attempt at better file parsing when utf-8 filenames are being parsed, FIX: Proper handling of Infinity issue number when file-checking, FIX: When adding series and annuals were enabled, if annual was a new release, would not be shown on the annual subset table for the given series (and subsequently wouldn't be auto-marked as Wanted), FIX:( #1306 ) Correct handling of the imported value when doing an import and moving files was selected (would previously error out during moving for some imports), FIX: When cbz files were being imported and were attempted to being auto-imported, would fail due to improper handling of the imported variable, FIX: Manage issues will now default the dropdown to the correct selected option, FIX: Manage Comics - fixed dropdown options for multiple selection of series - delete/pause/resume, IMP: Added 'delete stragglers' option to Story Arcs when deleting an arc to ensure that all traces of the arc are removed from the db, FIX: Manual/group metatagging would not tag properly if the START_YEAR_AS_VOLUME option was enabled, FIX: ( #1313 ) NzbHydra wouldn't set the nzbid properly when using Failed Download handling/Retrying
2016-07-10 18:28:14 -04:00
FIX: When sending a torrent directly to rTorrent, an invalid nodule error would occur
2016-06-11 22:53:41 -04:00
FIX: When manual post-processing if filename didn't have a volume label, or a valid year - would error out, IMP: Added additional date recognition fornat of (YYYYMM)
2016-06-11 22:51:52 -04:00
FIX:( #1298 ) Fix for post-processing filenames that do not have a year or volume label present within filename
2016-06-09 10:39:28 -04:00
Merge branch 'mldangelo-patch-1' into development
2016-06-08 10:56:23 -04:00