IMP: Added ability to allow ComicRN script to be run on items snatched outside of Mylar
2016-12-13 11:15:32 -05:00
FIX:( #1481 ) Legacy search of 32p gives incorrect snatches when TPSE is enabled
2016-12-13 10:15:15 -05:00
FIX:( #1479 ) Incomplete comparisons for search results from 32P when using auth mode
2016-12-07 02:47:18 -05:00
FIX:( #1477 ) Fix for limited search results being returned from CV
2016-12-05 08:27:27 -05:00
FIX:( #1466 ) When post-processing if filename did not have issue year or volume, would error, IMP:( #1418 ) Separate copy/move/hardlink/symlink option for Story arcs, IMP:( #1417 ) Added story arc format folder to story arc options - can now specify folder format for story arc naming, IMP:( #1374 ) Added rtorrent_authentication to config.ini allowing user to specify digest/basic authentication, as well as the rpc_url (rtorrent_rpc_url) and ssl (rtorrent_ssl). Rtorrent_host no longer requires protocol in field, IMP: Instead of hitting the intermediary/32P site to get the torrent group, will now retain specific id for torrent group to speed up searches, FIX: ( #1472 ) Fixed some problems with series being searched against 32P which had special characters and would return no results, FIX: Added some specific exception catches when attempting to retrieve search results for nzb providers, FIX: Fixed publisher retaining problem for story arcs (note story arcs will have to be refreshed), FIX: Fixed a problem with the pull-list matching up to the correct series when the issue was an annual for a given series with the alt_pull 2 method (would create an invalid link on the Wanted tab), IMP:( #1470 ) Added config.ini option to specify folder-formatting for weekly folder numbering, 0=YYYY-WN, 1=YYYY-MM-DD, IMP: ( #1471 ) Added quick check to ensure that newznab host entries do not contain leading/trailing spaces and will strip accordingly, FIX:( #1476 ) Annuals now have option to add to reading list via the series detail page, IMP: Fixed password fields to allow for special characters within password, IMP: Weekly pull will now correctly show status for previous/future weeks for watchlisted series, IMP: Download option on pullist will work for previous weeks, FIX: Fixed some issues with one-off and story arc post-processing using different file operations, FIX: Fixed error when performing an 'Force Update Active Comics' from the Manage tab (or the scheduled updating of all active comics), IMP: Storyarc issues that are not on watchlist will now retain value for volume to help when searching and file-checking/post-processing, FIX:( #1473 ) Changed pullist dates on pullist page to unicode to allow for non-English presentation
2016-12-02 12:45:49 -05:00
FIX:( #1468 )( #1467 )( #1465 ) Fixed problems with retrieving pullist when using alt_pull 0 method (the default method)
2016-11-21 11:03:44 -05:00
FIX: Enforce Permissions option wasn't being used with cover.jpg option, FIX: Using dropdown selection on Read List Management screen to mark as Added would fail
2016-11-11 11:53:53 -05:00
FIX:( #1455 )( #1452 )Added search_32p option in config.ini to indicate where Mylar will do the initial compare to see if a series exists on 32p before attempting to retrieve/compare the search results (0 = WS, 1 = 32P). The default setting of 0 will fix the auth mode issues all users were having, FIX: One-off's from the pullist would not snatch in some cases
2016-11-11 11:52:24 -05:00
FIX: Fix for filechecking series that had more 200 issues in them and was incorrectly setting the status to Archived for issues, FIX: When copying issues to story-arc directory will now check to see if multiple destination directory is in effect and grab file from the correct location
2016-11-09 11:49:06 -05:00
Roberto Pastor
FIX for #1450 : Couldn’t add issues from Story Arcs
2016-11-09 11:34:52 -05:00
Roberto Pastor
Only need to check if issue’s location is available, because on reading list it will have the complete path to the file.
2016-11-09 11:28:17 -05:00
Roberto Pastor
- Added filter before displaying the download link
2016-11-09 11:28:17 -05:00
Roberto Pastor
Added “Download option” for issues on reading list.
2016-11-09 11:28:17 -05:00
FIX: missing trailing slash on initialization string, FIX: Added Telegram option to configuration GUI
2016-11-09 11:10:45 -05:00
Add telegram notifier
2016-11-09 10:53:58 -05:00
Roberto Pastor
Changed all error plain responses with son error responses with format:
"error": {
"message": “Message for error”
2016-11-07 11:54:34 -05:00
FIX: Fixed some possible misinterpretation of wording in relation to Scan Library tab
2016-11-07 11:52:28 -05:00
Roberto Pastor
Fix for visual snag with checkboxes
2016-11-03 11:13:18 -04:00
Roberto Pastor
Fix for duplicate issues on story arc details page
2016-11-03 11:07:51 -04:00
FIX: Handle escaped and/or possibly double escaped ampersands in the NZB Search Results.
2016-11-02 11:14:02 -04:00
IMP: Updated the getUpcoming API method.
Updated the getUpcoming API method to fetch results that match "This Week's Upcoming" as found under "Wanted -> Upcoming Issues" in the Web Interface.
2016-11-02 11:14:02 -04:00
FIX:( #1431 ) Fixed post-processing cleanup when using SAB + files resided in a sub-folder of the path sent from SAB, IMP: Added hardlink/softlink option for non-windows users (note that metatagging is forcibly disabled when these options are enabled), IMP: Added Enforce Permissions option to force Mylar to either force / ensure permissions are as set within Mylar, or to ignore permissions and just try to perform the given action (this is for adding series, post-processing, importing, arcs, etc), FIX: Fixed a problem where if local watchdir was set and a torrent downloader was selected, both would attempt to be used, but only the watchdir was actually utilized (now it's one or the other, never both), FIX: Mylar will now remove issues that are in Failed status that have incorrect Series Data attached, FIX:( #1438 ) When file-checking/post-processing if issue date in Mylar was current year and date in filename was the following year (for end-of-year issues), would cause traceback error, FIX: If series year polled from CV is incorrect or not provided, option is available in Edit Settings of series detail page that allows user to specify the correct series year, FIX:( #1427 ) Fixed a typo when the Scan Library option is used and ComicID's were able to be parsed from the files, FIX: When issues were archived, depending on if series had issues in a Downloaded status or not, would give different results to the Have totals, IMP: Manage tab / Manage Comics now has metatag option available to allow metatagging multiple series in a batch mode, IMP:( #1419 ) When 'write cvinfo' option is enabled, will now also write cvinfo into story arc directories when added / refreshed, FIX: Fixed a problem when group metatag was being used and causing errors, IMP: Manage Failed page now will link back to the series for easier reference, and the 'link' column was removed due to invalid references, FIX: Removed the 'issue not updated' from the series detail page as was not accurate, IMP: Added a Select Filtered Issues button to the series detail page to allow for selecting of all filtered issues (Show ALL MUST be enabled for it to work properly)
2016-11-02 11:00:56 -04:00
FIX: Download post-processing would fail when performing cleanup
2016-10-15 09:13:00 -04:00
FIX:( #1411 ) When arc issue searching using 32p, would cause an error in regards to publisher not being present, FIX:( #1415 ) Fixed error with story arcs and searching when the year isn't specified, FIX: Copy/Move will during post-processing will now cleanup cache files properly, FIX:( #1413 )( #1416 ) Fix for invalid reference when updating Story Arc settings.FIX: Added issue exception for issue 112/113, FIX: When story arc issue did not have an issue name present, would error, FIX: multiple destination dirs won't be scanned if the dir(s) don't exist
2016-10-14 13:52:55 -04:00
FIX: Added Transmission Download Directory option (if not specified will default to Mylar's Folder Monitor directory)
2016-10-12 12:01:51 -04:00
FIX: Fix for story-arc post-processing cleanup when story-arc series are not on the watchlist
2016-10-11 13:55:18 -04:00
FIX: Drop-down options on Manage Comics page were incorrect
2016-10-11 13:25:36 -04:00
FIX: When have total for a series was > 1000, updating status would fail when creating query, FIX: Filechecker/Importer will now account for filenames in the format of 'filename - year - issue', IMP: Added story arc diretory location in GUI when viewing story arc details, FIX: Removed inactive options on Story Arc main page
2016-10-11 11:08:30 -04:00
FIX:( #1405 )( #1406 )( #1408 ) Weekly pull list would not load properly, affected Wanted tab as well, FIX: When refreshing a story arc and storyarc directory was not selected, would scan entire Comic Location path, FIX: Fixed incorrect return when updating settings on Story Arc main page, FIX: Fixed have column creeping into Options column on Story Arc page, FIX: small typo on startup
2016-10-06 13:23:10 -04:00
FIX: error during filecheck/import/manual run regarding issue number
2016-10-05 19:14:57 -04:00
FIX: utorrent library error
2016-10-05 10:19:29 -04:00
FIX: When alt_pull 2 method was offline, would fail to drop-down to alt_pull 0/1 method and continue checking for new releases, FIX:( #1402 ) Fixed adding directly to uTorrent client, FIX: Added some exception traps for when Wanted tab is inaccessible, FIX: Updating public tracker demonoid to use new url for rss feeds, FIX: should now account for unicode issue numbers when filechecking, FIX: Attempt to improve unicode handling when importing, FIX: When importing a series, would not flip into Manual Intevention status when more than one search result came back in some instances
2016-10-05 10:12:58 -04:00
FIX:( #1400 ) Added option to Manage Comics to bulk Recheck Files, FIX:( #1370 ) Fixed multiple problms with the Manage Comics options to mass delete and mass refresh series, FIX: When using alt-pull 2 method for pullist, when pull-list is updated with new info, status on series detail page wouldn't reflect Wanted status, IMP: Added some additoinal publisher logos, FIX: Removed some placeholder options from the Story Arc Details page
2016-09-30 16:10:08 -04:00
FIX:( #1396 ) Story Arc Move error during post-processing when Reading order enabled, and meta-tagging disabled, FIX: When series of same name exists on multiple storyarcs, use store date / pub date to ensure proper series if available
2016-09-20 14:58:58 -04:00
Story Arc Updates
2016-09-16 00:00:17 -04:00
Changed notification message(s) for PushOver
2016-09-11 17:48:01 -04:00
Joe Blow
Updated pushover notification to match format of Pushbullet.
2016-09-11 16:35:07 -04:00
Enabled notifications for the new Public Torrent providers ('Manual Post-Processing - Notify on Completed Torrents')
2016-09-11 16:24:37 -04:00
FIX: Fixed improper url-encoding of multiple spaces that was causing problems with some nzb providers
2016-09-11 16:19:43 -04:00
FIX:( #1379 ) Unable to mark annual as Failed with series-annual integration enabled, FIX:( #1377 ) Partial fix - direct link to CV for series on pullist where the ComicID is known (using alt_pull 2 method)
2016-09-09 12:49:25 -04:00
FIX: Fix for cached RSS Feed returns which did not have a filesize in the db, FIX:( #1372 ) Fixed renamer / post-processor to handle quotation marks in filenames (replace character)
2016-09-07 19:10:17 -04:00
FIX:( #1378 ) Failure to perform meta-tagging due to incorrect library reference, Updated CT to 1.20.1 to reflect the update
2016-09-07 19:08:43 -04:00
FIX: RSS error when retrieving some feeds
2016-09-07 01:34:51 -04:00
Fixed some incorrect lib references
2016-09-07 00:04:42 -04:00
Merge branch 'tresni-lib-in-sys-path' into development
2016-09-06 19:35:25 -04:00
Merge branch 'lib-in-sys-path' of git://github.com/tresni/mylar into tresni-lib-in-sys-path
2016-09-06 11:45:28 -04:00
FIX:( #1358 ) nzbname error when retrieving nzb and assigning filename from WWT tracker, FIX:( #1372 )( #1369 ) Fix for creating series folder when adding a series when series title contains either double quotation marks, or an asterisk, FIX:( #1373 ) Filechecker would ignore filenames that had the extension captialized, FIX:( #1366 ) When Comic Publisher is not provided on CV, would error during add, FIX: Attempted fix for unicode characters when importing (series title, filenames), FIX: Removed str references that would cause an error on weekly pull in some instances, FIX: When checking for watched series, if series title being checked against had only one word, would cause a traceback error, FIX: When attempting to retrieve results/torrents from TPSE and was behind cloudflare, would error out, IMP: file-size check now works for 32p feeds, FIX: When pullist issue was marked as Wanted and issue was populated on series detail page, occassionaly would not have the same status of Wanted, FIX: Fixed incorrect placement of Comic Location title in GUI, IMP: Added short description for Search Delay option within GUI, FIX:( #1370 ) multiple selection from Manage Comics tab (Refresh/Delete/Pause) would only select one item
2016-09-06 11:06:07 -04:00
Brian Hartvigsen
Unintialized variable needs initialized
2016-08-23 10:18:26 -06:00
Brian Hartvigsen
Clean checkout of rtorrent
`pip install --upgrade --target=. git+https://github.com/cjlucas/rtorrent-python.git@0763434fd43cb6954178f3b04869e2b73f88b817 `
2016-08-23 10:17:54 -06:00
Brian Hartvigsen
Put libs/ in sys.path
Update bs4 to latest version to fix issues
Get clean modules using `pip install --upgrade --target=lib`
Move cherrypy, mako, pystun, bs4 into lib directory
2016-08-23 00:01:41 -06:00