FIX:( #2158 ) Fix for metatagging on systems where rarfile was attempted to load from the incorrect source location
2019-01-14 09:46:48 -05:00
FIX: When series description had the word 'after the' followed by a CVID, would incorrectly assume it was a different edition type instead of a Print Edition, IMP: Added keywords dict to help maintain the description words to avoid in cases like the above
2019-01-12 13:12:41 -05:00
FIX: When manual post-processing (or Folder Monitor), and items were matched via name, but failed in another aspect - in some cases, it would remove a previous successful match from the list to be actually post-processed resulting in fewer items post-processing, FIX: Modified logging lines when marking an issue as wanted to indicate that the item is being queued for a search, not an immediate search in some instances
2019-01-11 17:32:31 -05:00
FIX: When post-processing and verifying series that had more than one match on watchlist, would error out if comparing TPB to print, and/or vice-versa, FIX: When searching using 32P and the series pack option was not enabled, would incorrectly parse the pack information as a valid result
2019-01-10 14:49:12 -05:00
FIX:( #2164 ) When adding TPB series with collected information in the description, if there were bulleted items in the description in some cases would cause an error, FIX: When searching for TPBs, would incorrectly reference a portion of the publication date as the issue # when logging, FIX: When searching for TPBs make sure to only remove the issue number for relevant search queries, FIX: Adjust the parser to use correct hyphens instead of unicode version in all usable instances
2019-01-09 11:12:00 -05:00
FIX:( #2148 )( #2150 ) Auto-Search would get locked up after an RSS scan ran, which basically stopped any subsequent searches from firing off correctly until a restart, FIX:( #2159 ) Could not locaate files when trying to filecheck normal issues that had no year present, but had a Vxxxx present
2019-01-04 10:12:02 -05:00
FIX: Fix for some series being determined as a One-Shot, instead of a Print due to how the description was parsed
2019-01-03 12:07:41 -05:00
IMP: when post-processing/filechecking/searching, will now check to see if the word 'part' is used in lieu of the word 'volume' (ie. part 01) and if the series is a TPB/GN will accept it as match
2019-01-02 21:43:54 -05:00
FIX: When post-processing issues that are specials, in some circumstances would not properly account for the word special as being part of the title, and not part of the issue number
2018-12-29 11:16:11 -05:00
FIX: Monkey-patch for week 52-2018 pull being empty instead of starting on week 0-2019, FIX: Incorrect variable reference in search_queue when manual searching, FIX: If series start year was 2018, and first issue was in 2019, publication date would incorrectly use 2018 as the start year
2018-12-29 10:22:52 -05:00
FIX: When performing a force search, or letting the auto-search hit - the searchlock would not release properly in some instances which would result in a locked search queue and no searches being performed, FIX: The pullist would sometimes default down to the wrong value as it was set to the wrong initial value
2018-12-28 21:36:31 -05:00
IMP: Added 'Force to TPB/GN' option for printed editions and 'Force to Print' option for TPB/GN's (this WILL impact how files are scanned in - so make sure you have files named appropriately), IMP: Added One-Shot as a Type, FIX: Fixed incorrect variable reference to seriesvolume during post-processing of TPB series, FIX: Fixed refresh to fire off every 5 minutes, FIX: When post-processing and metatagging a cbz file with rename files not enabled, would indicate the new filename as being a copy of the existing file (ie. (1).cbz) which would carry over to a final filename, IMP: Allow Mylar to populate the alias list on add/refresh of a series if the aliases don't already exist in the Alternate Series field for the series, FIX: Fixed a problem with single quotes in series titles when using experimental search,
IMP: When searching for a one-off series, will accept either issues with an issue number or those with no issue numbers as acceptable search results when searching, IMP: Updated search code to utilize the existing filename parser within Mylar when parsing the search results for more consistency
2018-12-22 17:48:14 -05:00
FIX: Fix for some post-processing issues not being post-processed due to some parsing-related problems, IMP: Added a refresh check during post-processing matching - if a series is a match but the issue being post-processed doens't exist in Mylar yet, will refresh the series to see if anything has been udpated and then try to continue if the new information was retrieved successfully
2018-12-20 10:58:34 -05:00
FIX: if 32p was disabled due to inability to signon, would still attempt to retrieve cached result when match occured which would then possibly result in excessive attempted logins, IMP: Added Force Type option to comicdetails page which will allow the type of series to be forced to TPB/GN format if Mylar is unable to decipher it under normal circumstances (doing this will affect how files are parsed for the given series), IMP: TPB/GN File Parser will now account for mutiple issues of the same TPB series within the given directory, IMP: When enabling/disabling Force Type, will rename existing folder to accomodate new naming folder convention if required, IMP: Started to move some of the file rename/manipulation modules into a filer.py module for more consistency, IMP: Added a to Folder Format which when triggered will use the designated Series Type, IMP:( #2130 ) When importing, option now available for the final series destination path to use the imported path location instead of defaulting to the Comic Location base folder - status will be no longer be Archived in such cases. Will also not show previous imported series on subsequent import runs if the import directory has not changed (thnx @CuddleBear92), IMP: Added the codebase for a Rename Preview option into the mix - GUI available, but not linked, FIX: Removed DEM from RSS scans when Public Torrents option is enabled, FIX:( #2137 ) When adding series, if series indicated date in a different format other than just numeric, would cause error
2018-12-10 12:27:53 -05:00
FIX: Fix for filechecker returning traceback on some invalid date patterns, FIX: When a title contained the word special, but was not a part of a series (ie. annual integration) would fail to recognize it for post-processing
2018-12-10 12:05:42 -05:00
FIX: actual fix for could not convert logging
2018-12-08 02:11:10 -05:00
FIX: Lessen the could not convert error messages from occuring
2018-12-08 01:27:08 -05:00
FIX: Added global reference so can change WWT URL in one location in __init__, FIX: Changed WWT to new domain, FIX: Removed DEM from being used
2018-12-04 14:34:10 -05:00
FIX:( #2124 ) qBittorrent download directory option not being honoured for added torrents
2018-11-30 14:43:08 -05:00
FIX:If Annual Integration was enabled, then disabled - annual references might remain for some series and cause the Already in Library to be shown when trying to add annuals individually to the watchlist.
2018-11-30 14:23:05 -05:00
IMP: Added TPB/GN detection for file parser, IMP: Added TPB as a booktype to series detail page, IMP: Added to format options for Folder Formatting which would denote either TPB or GN, IMP: If detected as a TPB/GN volume, will display the series/issues that are contained within - if they exist on your watchlist, they will be clickable links, IMP: Weeklypull set to display TPB/GN's when option is configured (backend change), IMP: Added proper detection for filenames that have mini-series designations within them ie ( '(of 04)' ), IMP:( #2102 ) detect decimal issues that also contain unicoded numbering, IMP: Proper handling of filenames that have '38 p' or the like to denote number of pages in issue, FIX: Removed forceful reference to lib.requests when using WWT, IMP: If an issue has a digital release prior to the actual print release, will now look at either date when attempting to reference if a successful match when post-processing/searching, IMP: Issues that also have digital release dates will be indicated on the series detail page as such, IMP: Added job completion notifs for refreshing/adding story-arcs, deleting directories, IMP: Main Home page will display if a given volume is a TPB/GN if determined, IMP: Reworded 'Search for Watchlist matches' to 'Search for Watchlist Matches/Recheck Files' for more clarity, FIX: Fixed story-arc posters causing some text boxes to overflow
2018-11-29 14:59:34 -05:00
FIX:( #2122 ) Changed file format config option to reflect that = Issue Year and not Series Year. Also added hover-tip to Folder Format section to show available tags (similar to file format)
2018-11-26 12:32:30 -05:00
FIX:( #2121 ) FileParser was incorrectly adjusting for series with 'the' within the series title
2018-11-26 10:16:31 -05:00
Added config.ini option to reduce Total issues by Ignored status counts for a given series (ignore_total). Note, that you cannot have both ignore_total AND ignore_havetotal enabled - both will be disabledeach until only one is enabled)
2018-11-19 12:20:18 -05:00
FIX: Including ignored annuals in file rescan totals
2018-11-19 11:59:51 -05:00
FIX: disable alphaindex auto-disabling
Misunderstood usage of checked_configs caused alphaindex to reset to false on reboot (and the index to be disabled)
2018-11-13 14:28:59 -05:00
FIX: Basic auth + OPDS auth conflict
2018-11-13 14:27:52 -05:00
IMP:( #1987 )( #2054 )( #2106 ) accomodate rTorrent 0.9.7 API changes + maintain backwards compatibility (much thanks to @sparky3387 for the initial patch gist
2018-11-07 16:28:07 -05:00
FIX:( #2104 ) Manual post-proessing a directory of issues of the same series would result in only one issue being post-processed per series (previous commit fix)
2018-10-27 14:01:13 -04:00
FIX:( #2104 )( #2093 )( #2084 ) Fix for manual post-processing throwing dupe errors when attempting to post-process issues that have multiple-matches on a given watchlist
2018-10-25 13:43:04 -04:00
IMP: redirect to login page following logout
2018-10-20 14:12:40 -04:00
FIX: logout button not respecting baseurl option
2018-10-20 14:10:47 -04:00
FIX: remove forms-based login from OPDS
2018-10-20 14:08:41 -04:00
Change minimum cover JPG image size to 10,000 (reduced from 30,000)
Covers for certain comics using 'poster effect' (no gradients) such as:
have sizes of 26K for large, and 15K for small images.
This reduces the minimum cover JPG data size to 10K bytes.
2018-10-14 15:08:46 -04:00
IMP: add "continuing series" count to brag listing
2018-10-14 15:06:54 -04:00
IMP: add "continuing series" brag line
2018-10-14 15:06:54 -04:00
IMP: Allow datatables config to endure long term
IMP: Allow datatables config to endure pas the end of the current session using local storage: table row length, sort column, etc.
2018-10-14 15:04:11 -04:00
Chris Cameron
FIX: Fixing mylar.initd format error
2018-10-14 15:00:57 -04:00
Chris Cameron
FIX: Fixing typo in init-scripts systemd readme
2018-10-14 15:00:57 -04:00
FIX:( #2096 ) datematch referenced prior to assignment when multiple series match during post-processing
2018-10-14 14:46:52 -04:00
FIX: Possible fix for 32P not honouring the auto-disable option when invoked, FIX: Annuals would not send notifications with the word annual in them, logging would indicate non-annual items were being post-processed/completed when in fact they were annuals, FIX: ComicTagger would not honour settings.ini file being used for specific settings (also requires usage of 0/1 instead of True/False)
2018-10-10 13:17:24 -04:00
removal of config being imported within index.html
2018-09-20 10:28:14 -04:00
IMP: Adding ability to hide alphabetical index
2018-09-20 10:21:39 -04:00
IMP: Adding ability to hide alphabetical index
2018-09-20 10:21:39 -04:00
IMP: Adding ability to hide alphabetical index
2018-09-20 10:21:39 -04:00
IMP: Adding ability to hide alphabetical index
2018-09-20 10:21:39 -04:00
FIX: update opds.py for tiered searches
Changes to the annual table caused annual detection to break.
2018-09-14 09:57:46 -04:00
FIX: Fixed sort order on Wanted tab so will sort in tier order first, FIX: When using the field in File Format, would always pick January/February regardless of actual publication date, FIX: Quick patch to make sure none of the Wanted issues have a Tier start date of None
2018-09-14 09:53:46 -04:00
FIX:( #2066 ) When series titles began with the word 'vol', search results would be rejected or incorrectly parsed due to volume testing incorrectly, FIX: Removed the rss feed being logged when retrieving feeds
2018-09-06 12:49:50 -04:00
FIX: add 5% filesize comparison fuzziness
FIX: add 5% filesize comparison fuzziness to compare against NZBGet reported download size
2018-09-05 10:53:04 -04:00