
1175 lines
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2010-06-07 11:44:59 +00:00
<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>/* Inspector -> Activity tab -> progress */
"%.2f%% (%.2f%% selected)" = "%1$.2f%% (%2$.2f%% s<00>lectionn<00>s)";
/* Torrent -> progress string */
"%.2f%% of torrent metadata retrieved" = "%.2f%% des m<00>tadonn<00>es r<00>cup<00>r<00>es";
/* Prefs -> blocklist -> message */
"%@ IP address rules in list" = "%@ adresses IP dans la liste";
/* Blocklist -> message
Inspector -> Files tab -> file status string
Torrent -> progress string */
"%@ of %@" = "%1$@ sur %2$@";
/* Torrent -> progress string */
"%@ of %@ selected" = "%1$@ sur %2$@ s<00>lectionn<00>";
/* Torrent -> eta string */
"%@ remaining" = "%@ restant";
/* Add torrent -> info
Torrent -> progress string */
"%@ selected" = "%@ s<00>lectionn<00>";
/* Inspector -> selected torrents
stats total */
"%@ total" = "%@ total";
/* Inspector -> Activity tab -> have */
"%@ verified" = "%@ v<00>rifi<00>";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"%d cache" = "%d cache";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"%d Connected" = "%d Connect<00>";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"%d DHT" = "%d DHT";
/* Dock item - Downloading */
"%d Downloading" = "%d T<00>l<00>chargements";
/* Add torrent -> info
Create torrent -> info
Drag overlay -> torrents
Inspector -> selected torrents */
"%d files" = "%d fichiers";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"%d incoming" = "%d entrante";
/* Action menu -> upload/download limit
Status Bar -> speed tooltip */
"%d KB/s" = "%d Ko/s";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"%d known" = "%d connues";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"%d local discovery" = "%d d<00>couverte locale";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"%d LTEP" = "%d LTEP";
/* Inspector -> selected torrents */
"%d magnetized transfers" = "%d transferts aimants";
/* Status bar transfer count */
"%d of %@" = "%1$d sur %2$@";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"%d PEX" = "%d PEX";
/* Create torrent -> info */
"%d pieces, %@ each" = "%1$d pi<00>ces, %2$@ chaque";
/* Dock item - Seeding */
"%d Seeding" = "%d Envois";
/* Drag overlay -> torrents */
"%d Torrent Files" = "%d Fichiers Torrent";
/* Inspector -> selected torrents */
"%d Torrents Selected" = "%d Torrents S<00>lectionn<00>s";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"%d tracker" = "%d trackeur";
/* Filter Bar Button -> tool tip
Status bar transfer count
Torrent table -> group row -> tooltip */
"%d transfers" = "%d transferts";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"%d web seeds" = "%d sources Web";
/* Inspector -> selected torrents
stats -> bytes */
"%llu bytes" = "%llu octets";
/* stats window -> times opened */
"%llu times" = "%llu fois";
/* time string */
"%u days" = "%u jours";
/* time string */
"%u hr" = "%u hr";
/* time string */
"%u min" = "%u min";
/* time string */
"%u sec" = "%u sec";
/* File size - bytes */
"1 byte" = "1 octet";
/* time string */
"1 day" = "1 jour";
/* Add torrent -> info
Create torrent -> info
Drag overlay -> torrents
Inspector -> selected torrents */
"1 file" = "1 fichiers";
/* Inspector -> selected torrents */
"1 magnetized transfer" = "1 transfert aimant";
/* Create torrent -> info */
"1 piece, %@" = "1 pi<00>ce, %@";
/* stats window -> times opened */
"1 time" = "1 fois";
/* Filter Button -> tool tip
Status bar transfer count
Torrent table -> group row -> tooltip */
"1 transfer" = "1 transfert";
/* Open invalid alert -> title */
"\"%@\" is not a valid torrent file." = "\"%@\" n'est pas un fichier torrent valide.";
/* Prefs -> blocklist -> message */
"A blocklist must first be downloaded" = "Une liste de blocage doit d'abord <00>tre t<00>l<00>charg<00>e";
/* Create torrent -> file already exists warning -> warning */
"A file with the name \"%@\" already exists in the directory \"%@\". Choose a new name or directory to create the torrent file." = "Un fichier nomm<00> \"%1$@\" existe d<00>ja dans le dossier \"%2$@\". Choisissez un autre nom ou un autre dossier pour cr<00>er le torrent.";
/* Move inside itself alert -> title */
"A folder cannot be moved to inside itself." = "Un dossier ne peut <00>tre d<00>plac<00> <00> l'int<00>rieur de lui-m<00>me.";
/* Create torrent -> zero size -> warning */
"A torrent file cannot be created for files with no size." = "Un torrent ne peut <00>tre cr<00><00> <00> partir de fichiers vides.";
/* Create torrent -> file already exists warning -> title */
"A torrent file with this name and directory cannot be created." = "Un torrent avec ce nom ne peut <00>tre cr<00><00> dans ce r<00>pertoire.";
/* Create torrent -> blank address -> message */
"A transfer marked as private with no tracker addresses will be unable to connect to peers. The torrent file will only be useful if you plan to upload the file to a tracker website that will add the addresses for you." = "Un transfert marqu<00> comme priv<00> et ne poss<00>dant pas d'adresse de trackeur ne pourra pas se connecter <00> des pairs. Le fichier torrent ne pourra <00>tre utilisable qu'une fois envoy<00> <00> un site de trackeur qui y ajoutera ses adresses.";
/* Open duplicate alert -> title
Open duplicate magnet alert -> title */
"A transfer of \"%@\" already exists." = "Un transfert de \"%@\" est d<00>ja en cours.";
/* Inspector -> tab
Inspector view -> title */
"Activity" = "Activit<00>";
/* Add torrent -> same name -> button */
"Add" = "Ajouter";
/* Magnet link failed -> title */
"Adding magnetized transfer failed." = "L'ajout d'un transfert aimant<00> a <00>chou<00>.";
/* Groups -> Button */
"All Groups" = "Tous les groupes";
/* Create torrent -> failed -> warning */
"An unknown error has occurred." = "Une erreur inconnue est survenue";
/* Tracker last announce */
"Announce error" = "Erreur <00> l'annonce";
/* Tracker next announce */
"Announce in progress" = "Annonce en cours";
/* Tracker next announce */
"Announce is queued" = "Annonce en attente";
/* Tracker next announce */
"Announce not scheduled" = "Annonce non programm<00>e";
/* Tracker last announce */
"Announce timed out" = "Annonce sans r<00>ponse";
/* All toolbar item -> label */
"Apply All" = "Appliquer <00> tous";
/* Selected toolbar item -> label */
"Apply Selected" = "Appliquer <00> la s<00>lection";
/* Confirm Quit panel -> title */
"Are you sure you want to quit?" = "<00>tes-vous s<00>r de vouloir quitter ?";
/* Remove trackers alert -> title */
"Are you sure you want to remove %d trackers?" = "<00>tes-vous s<00>r de vouloir supprimer %d trackeurs ?";
/* Removal confirm panel -> title */
"Are you sure you want to remove %d transfers from the transfer list and trash the data files?" = "<00>tes-vous s<00>r de vouloir enlever %d transferts de la liste et de supprimer leurs donn<00>es ?";
/* Removal confirm panel -> title */
"Are you sure you want to remove %d transfers from the transfer list?" = "<00>tes-vous s<00>r de vouloir enlever %d transferts de la liste ?";
/* Removal confirm panel -> title */
"Are you sure you want to remove \"%@\" from the transfer list and trash the data file?" = "<00>tes-vous s<00>r de vouloir enlever \"%@\" de la liste et de supprimer ses donn<00>es ?";
/* Removal confirm panel -> title */
"Are you sure you want to remove \"%@\" from the transfer list?" = "<00>tes-vous s<00>r de vouloir enlever \"%@\" de la liste ?";
/* Remove trackers alert -> title */
"Are you sure you want to remove this tracker?" = "<00>tes-vous s<00>r de vouloir supprimer ce trackeur ?";
/* Stats reset -> title */
"Are you sure you want to reset usage statistics?" = "<00>tes-vous s<00>r de vouloir remettre <00> z<00>ro les statistiques d'utilisation ?";
/* inspector -> peer table -> header tool tip */
"Available" = "Disponible";
/* Transfer speed (Bytes per second) */
"B/s" = "o/s";
/* Preferences -> toolbar item title */
"Bandwidth" = "Bande-passante";
/* Growl notification description */
"Bandwidth settings changed" = "R<00>glages de Bande-passante chang<00>s";
/* Groups -> Name */
"Blue" = "Bleu";
/* File size - bytes */
"bytes" = "octets";
/* Add torrent -> same name -> button
Blocklist -> cancel button
Confirm Quit panel -> button
Create torrent -> blank address -> button
Removal confirm panel -> button
Remove trackers alert -> button
Stats reset -> button */
"Cancel" = "Annuler";
/* Torrent Table -> tooltip */
"Change transfer settings" = "Changer les r<00>glages du transfert";
/* File Outline -> Menu */
"Check Selected" = "Cocher s<00>lectionn<00>s";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Checking existing data" = "V<00>rification des donn<00>es existantes";
/* Message window -> save button */
"Clear" = "Effacer";
/* inspector -> peer table -> header */
"Client" = "Client";
/* View menu -> Quick Look */
"Close Quick Look" = "Fermer QuickLook";
/* Blocklist -> message */
"Connecting to site" = "Connexion au site";
/* Torrent file copy alert -> title */
"Copy of \"%@\" Cannot Be Created" = "La copie de \"%@\" ne peut <00>tre cr<00><00>e";
/* Create torrent -> failed -> warning */
"Could not read \"%s\": %s." = "Impossible de lire \"%1$s\": %2$s.";
/* Create torrent -> failed -> warning */
"Could not write \"%s\": %s." = "Impossible d'<00>crire \"%1$s\": %2$s.";
/* Create toolbar item -> label
Create torrent -> blank address -> button */
"Create" = "Cr<00>er";
/* Drag overlay -> file */
"Create a Torrent File" = "Cr<00>er un fichier torrent";
/* Create toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Create torrent file" = "Cr<00>er fichier torrent";
/* Create toolbar item -> palette label
Create torrent -> select file */
"Create Torrent File" = "Cr<00>er Fichier Torrent";
/* Create torrent -> failed -> title */
"Creation of \"%@\" failed." = "La cr<00>ation de \"%@\" a <00>chou<00>.";
/* Inspector -> peer -> status */
"Currently downloading (interested and not choked)" = "En t<00>l<00>chargement (int<00>ress<00> et pas choqu<00>)";
/* Inspector -> peer -> status */
"Currently uploading (interested and not choked)" = "En envoi (int<00>ress<00> et pas choqu<00>)";
/* Message window -> table column */
"Date" = "Date";
/* Message window -> level
Message window -> level string */
"Debug" = "Debug";
/* inspector -> peer table -> header
inspector -> web seed table -> header
status bar -> status label
Torrent -> status string */
"DL" = "DL";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"DL from %d" = "R<00>ception de %d";
/* Torrent disk space alert -> button */
"Do not check disk space again" = "Ne plus v<00>rifier l'espace disque";
/* Donation beg -> button */
"Don't bug me about this ever again." = "Ne plus jamais me parler de <00>a.";
/* files tab -> tooltip */
"Don't Download" = "Ne pas t<00>l<00>charger";
/* Donation beg -> button */
"Donate" = "Donner";
/* Donation beg -> message */
"Donate or not, there will be no difference to your torrenting experience." = "Faites un don (ou pas), il n'y aura aucune diff<00>rence sur votre exp<00>rience de \"torrentage\".";
/* file table -> header tool tip
files tab -> tooltip */
"Download" = "T<00>l<00>chargement";
/* Torrent disk space alert -> button */
"Download Anyway" = "T<00>l<00>charger quand m<00>me";
/* Growl notification title */
"Download Complete" = "T<00>l<00>chargement termin<00>";
/* Blocklist -> message */
"Download of the blocklist failed." = "Le t<00>l<00>chargement de la liste de blocage a <00>chou<00>";
/* files tab -> tooltip */
"Download Some" = "T<00>l<00>charger certains";
/* Torrent table -> group row -> tooltip */
"Download speed" = "Vitesse de t<00>l<00>chargement";
/* Stats window -> label
tracker peer stat */
"Downloaded" = "T<00>l<00>charg<00>";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Downloading" = "T<00>l<00>chargement";
/* Blocklist -> message */
"Downloading blocklist" = "T<00>l<00>chargement de la liste de blocage";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Downloading from %d of %d peers" = "T<00>l<00>chargement de %1$d sur %2$d pairs";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Downloading from %d of 1 peer" = "T<00>l<00>chargement depuis %d de 1 pairs";
/* inspector -> peer table -> header tool tip */
"Downloading From Peer" = "T<00>l<00>chargement Depuis Pair";
/* inspector -> web seed table -> header tool tip */
"Downloading From Web Seed" = "T<00>l<00>chargement depuis une source Web";
/* inspector -> peer table -> header tool tip
Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"Encrypted Connection" = "Connexion crypt<00>e";
/* Blocklist -> message
Message window -> level
Message window -> level string
Torrent -> status string */
"Error" = "Erreur";
/* Inspector -> tab
Inspector view -> title */
"Files" = "Fichiers";
/* Filter toolbar item -> label
inspector -> file filter
Message window -> filter field */
"Filter" = "Filtre";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"From: cache" = "De: cache";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"From: distributed hash table" = "From: distributed hash table";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"From: incoming connection" = "De: connexion entrante";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"From: libtorrent extension protocol handshake" = "Depuis: protocole d'extension libtorrent";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"From: local peer discovery" = "De: d<00>couverte des pairs locaux";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"From: peer exchange" = "De: peer exchange";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"From: tracker" = "De: trackeur";
/* File size - gigabytes */
"GB" = "Go";
/* Preferences -> toolbar item title */
"General" = "G<00>n<00>ral";
/* Inspector -> tab
Inspector view -> title */
"General Info" = "Infos g<00>n<00>rales";
/* Tracker last announce */
"got %d peers" = "obtenu %d pairs";
/* Tracker last announce */
"got 1 peer" = "obtenu 1 pair";
/* Groups -> Name */
"Gray" = "Gris";
/* Groups -> Name */
"Green" = "Vert";
/* Groups -> Button */
"Group" = "Groupe";
/* Preferences -> toolbar item title */
"Groups" = "Groupes";
/* View menu -> Filter Bar */
"Hide Filter Bar" = "Masquer la barre de filtre";
/* View menu -> Inspector */
"Hide Inspector" = "Masquer l'inspecteur";
/* View menu -> Status Bar */
"Hide Status Bar" = "Masquer la barre de status";
/* File Outline -> Priority Menu */
"High" = "Haute";
/* files tab -> tooltip */
"High Priority" = "Priorit<00> haute";
/* Legal alert -> button */
"I Accept" = "J'accepte";
/* Add torrent -> same name -> message */
"If you are attempting to use already existing data, the root data directory should be inside the destination directory." = "Si vous <00>tes en train de tenter de r<00>utiliser des donn<00>es existantes, le dossier racine des donn<00>es devrait <00>tre <00> l'int<00>rieur du dossier choisi.";
/* Message window -> level
Message window -> level string */
"Info" = "Info";
/* Inspector toolbar item -> label */
"Inspector" = "Inspecteur";
/* inspector -> peer table -> header */
"IP Address" = "Adresse IP";
/* Download not a torrent -> message */
"It appears that the file \"%@\" from %@ is not a torrent file." = "Il semblerait que le ficher \"%1$@\" de %2$@ ne soit pas un fichier torrent.";
/* File size - kilobytes */
"KB" = "Ko";
/* Tracker last announce */
"Last Announce" = "Derni<00>re annonce";
/* Tracker last scrape */
"Last Scrape" = "Dernier scrape";
/* Prefs -> blocklist -> message */
"Last updated" = "Derni<00>re mise <00> jour";
/* tracker peer stat */
"Leechers" = "Leechers";
/* About window -> license button */
"License" = "Licence";
/* Action menu -> upload/download limit
torrent action menu -> upload/download limit */
"Limit (%d KB/s)" = "Limit<00> (%d Ko/s)";
/* Save log alert panel -> title */
"Log Could Not Be Saved" = "Les messages n'ont pu <00>tre enregistr<00>s";
/* File Outline -> Priority Menu */
"Low" = "Basse";
/* files tab -> tooltip */
"Low Priority" = "Priorit<00> Basse";
/* Open duplicate magnet alert -> title */
"Magnet link is a duplicate of an existing transfer." = "Ce lien aimant<00> est un duplicata d'un transfert existant.";
/* Inspector -> selected torrents
Torrent -> progress string */
"Magnetized transfer" = "Transfert aimant<00>";
/* File size - megabytes */
"MB" = "Mo";
/* Message window -> table column */
"Message" = "Message";
/* Message window -> title */
"Message Log" = "Fen<00>tre des messages";
/* files tab -> tooltip */
"Multiple Priorities" = "Priorit<00>s multiples";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip
No Ratio
Prefs -> blocklist -> message
Tracker last announce
Tracker last scrape
tracker peer stat */
"N/A" = "N/A";
/* Preferences -> toolbar item title */
"Network" = "R<00>seau";
/* Prefs -> blocklist -> message */
"Never" = "Jamais";
/* Inspector -> tracker table */
"New Tier" = "Nouveau tier";
/* Tracker next announce */
"Next announce in %@" = "Prochaine annonce dans %@";
/* Group table row */
"No Group" = "Aucun Groupe";
/* Inspector -> selected torrents */
"No Torrents Selected" = "Aucun Torrent S<00>lectionn<00>";
/* Groups -> Button
Groups -> Menu */
"None" = "Aucun";
/* Donation beg -> button */
"Nope" = "Nan";
/* File Outline -> Priority Menu */
"Normal" = "Normale";
/* files tab -> tooltip */
"Normal Priority" = "Priorit<00> Normale";
/* Torrent disk space alert -> title */
"Not enough remaining disk space to download \"%@\" completely." = "Pas suffisament d'espace disque restant pour t<00>l<00>charger compl<00>tement \"%@\".";
/* About window -> license close button
Blocklist -> button
Create torrent -> directory doesn't exist warning -> button
Create torrent -> failed -> button
Create torrent -> file already exists warning -> button
Create torrent -> no files -> button
Create torrent -> zero size -> button
Download not a torrent -> button
Magnet link failed -> button
Move error alert -> button
Move inside itself alert -> button
Open duplicate alert -> button
Open duplicate magnet alert -> button
Open invalid alert -> button
Save log alert panel -> button
Torrent disk space alert -> button
Torrent download failed -> button
Torrent file copy alert -> button */
"OK" = "OK";
/* Removal confirm panel -> message part 2 */
"Once removed, continuing the transfers will require the torrent files or magnet links." = "Une fois supprim<00>s, la reprise des transferts n<00>cessitera le fichier torrent ou un lien aimant.";
/* Remove trackers alert -> message */
"Once removed, Transmission will no longer attempt to contact it. This cannot be undone." = "Une fois supprim<00>, Transmission n'essayera plus de le contacter. Ceci ne peut <00>tre annul<00>.";
/* Remove trackers alert -> message */
"Once removed, Transmission will no longer attempt to contact them. This cannot be undone." = "Une fois supprim<00>s, Transmission n'essayera plus de les contacter. Ceci ne peut <00>tre annul<00>.";
/* File Outline -> Menu */
"Only Check Selected" = "Cocher s<00>lectionn<00>s uniquement";
/* Open toolbar item -> label */
"Open" = "Ouvrir";
/* Open address toolbar item -> label */
"Open Address" = "Ouvrir Adresse";
/* Open address toolbar item -> palette label */
"Open Torrent Address" = "Ouvrir le torrent <00> l'adresse";
/* Open toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Open torrent files" = "Ouvre des fichiers torrents";
/* Open toolbar item -> palette label */
"Open Torrent Files" = "Ouvrir des fichiers torrents";
/* Open address toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Open torrent web address" = "Ouvre le torrent <00> l'adresse";
/* Inspector -> tab
Inspector view -> title */
"Options" = "Options";
/* Groups -> Name */
"Orange" = "Orange";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"Partial Seed" = "Seedeur partiel";
/* All toolbar item -> palette label */
"Pause / Resume All" = "Arr<00>ter / Reprendre tous";
/* Selected toolbar item -> palette label */
"Pause / Resume Selected" = "Arr<00>ter / Reprendre s<00>lectionn<00>s";
/* All toolbar item -> label */
"Pause All" = "Tout arr<00>ter";
/* All toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Pause all transfers" = "Arr<00>te tous les transferts";
/* Selected toolbar item -> label */
"Pause Selected" = "Arr<00>t S<00>lection";
/* Selected toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Pause selected transfers" = "Arr<00>te les transferts";
/* Torrent Table -> tooltip */
"Pause the transfer" = "Arr<00>te le transfert";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Paused" = "Arr<00>t<00>";
/* Inspector -> peer -> status */
"Peer is unchoking you, but you are not interested" = "Pair ne nous choque plus, mais nous ne sommes pas int<00>ress<00>s";
/* Inspector -> peer -> status */
"Peer wants you to upload, but you do not want to (interested and choked)" = "Pair est int<00>ress<00> par nous, mais il nous choque";
/* Inspector -> tab
Inspector view -> title
Preferences -> toolbar item title */
"Peers" = "Pairs";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"Port" = "Port";
/* Preferences -> Network -> port status */
"Port check site is down" = "V<00>rification impossible";
/* Preferences -> Network -> port status */
"Port is closed" = "Port ferm<00>";
/* Preferences -> Network -> port status */
"Port is open" = "Port ouvert";
/* File Outline -> Menu
file table -> header tool tip */
"Priority" = "Priorit<00>";
/* files tab -> tooltip */
"Priority Not Available" = "Priorit<00> non disponible";
/* Inspector -> private torrent */
"Private Torrent, non-tracker peer discovery disabled" = "Torrent priv<00>, utilisation des pairs du trackeur uniquement
/* Message window -> table column */
"Process" = "Processus";
/* Blocklist -> message */
"Processing blocklist" = "Lecture de la liste de blocage";
/* Stats window -> label */
"Program Started" = "Programme d<00>marr<00>";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */
"Progress: %.1f%%" = "Progression: %.1f%%";
/* Inspector -> private torrent */
"Public Torrent" = "Torrent Public";
/* Groups -> Name */
"Purple" = "Violet";
/* QuickLook toolbar item -> label
QuickLook toolbar item -> palette label
QuickLook toolbar item -> tooltip
View menu -> Quick Look */
"Quick Look" = "Quick Look";
/* Confirm Quit panel -> button
Legal alert -> button
Transmission already running alert -> button */
"Quit" = "Quitter";
/* Dock Badger -> quit */
"Quitting" = "Quitte";
/* Stats window -> label
status bar -> status label
Torrent -> status string
Torrent table -> group row -> tooltip */
"Ratio" = "Ratio";
/* Groups -> Name */
"Red" = "Rouge";
/* Action menu -> status string toggle */
"Remaining Time" = "Temps restant";
/* Torrent -> eta string */
"remaining time unknown" = "temps restant inconnu";
/* Preferences -> toolbar item title */
"Remote" = "Contr<00>le <00> Distance";
/* Removal confirm panel -> button
Remove toolbar item -> label
Remove trackers alert -> button */
"Remove" = "Enlever";
/* Remove toolbar item -> palette label */
"Remove Selected" = "Enlever S<00>lectionn<00>s";
/* Remove toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Remove selected transfers" = "Enl<00>ve les transferts s<00>lectionn<00>s";
/* Stats reset -> button
Stats window -> reset button */
"Reset" = "Remise <00> z<00>ro";
/* All toolbar item -> label */
"Resume All" = "Tout reprendre";
/* All toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Resume all transfers" = "Reprend tous les transferts";
/* Selected toolbar item -> label */
"Resume Selected" = "Reprendre s<00>lection";
/* Selected toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Resume selected transfers" = "Reprend les transferts s<00>lectionn<00>s";
/* Torrent cell -> button info */
"Resume the transfer" = "Reprend le transfert.";
/* Torrent cell -> button info */
"Resume the transfer right away" = "Reprend le transfert imm<00>diatement.";
/* Stats window -> label */
"Running Time" = "Temps d'ex<00>cution";
/* Message window -> save button */
"Save" = "Sauver";
/* Tracker last scrape */
"Scrape error" = "Erreur de scrape";
/* Tracker last scrape */
"Scrape timed out" = "Scrape <00>chou<00>";
/* tracker peer stat */
"Seeders" = "Seeders";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Seeding" = "Envoi";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Seeding complete" = "Envoi termin<00>";
/* Growl notification title */
"Seeding Complete" = "Envoi termin<00>";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Seeding to %d of %d peers" = "Envoi <00> %1$d sur %2$d peers";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Seeding to %d of 1 peer" = "Envoi <00> %d sur 1 peer";
/* Create torrent -> location sheet -> button
Create torrent -> select file
Move torrent -> prompt
Open torrent -> prompt
Preferences -> Open panel prompt */
"Select" = "S<00>lectionner";
/* Create torrent -> select file */
"Select a file or folder for the torrent file." = "S<00>lectionner un ficher ou dossier pour le fichier torrent.";
/* Add -> select destination folder */
"Select the download folder for \"%@\"" = "S<00>lectionner le dossier de t<00>l<00>chargement pour \"%@\"";
/* Create torrent -> location sheet -> message */
"Select the name and location for the torrent file." = "S<00>lectionner le nom et l'emplacement pour le ficher torrent.";
/* Move torrent -> select destination folder */
"Select the new folder for %d data files." = "S<00>lectionner un nouveau dossier pour les %d fichiers de donn<00>es.";
/* Move torrent -> select destination folder */
"Select the new folder for \"%@\"." = "S<00>lectionner un nouveau dossier pour \"%@\".";
/* Main window -> 1st bottom left button (action) tooltip */
"Shortcuts for changing global settings." = "Raccourcis pour changer les r<00>glages globaux.";
/* View menu -> Filter Bar */
"Show Filter Bar" = "Afficher la barre de filtre";
/* File Outline -> Menu */
"Show in Finder" = "R<00>v<00>ler dans le Finder";
/* View menu -> Inspector */
"Show Inspector" = "Afficher l'inspecteur";
/* View menu -> Status Bar */
"Show Status Bar" = "Afficher la barre de status";
/* Torrent cell -> button info */
"Show the data file in Finder" = "R<00>v<00>ler les donn<00>es dans le Finder";
/* Status Bar -> speed tooltip */
"Speed Limit" = "Limite de vitesse";
/* Growl notification title */
"Speed Limit Auto Disabled" = "Mode vitesse limit<00>e : Auto-d<00>sactiv<00>";
/* Growl notification title */
"Speed Limit Auto Enabled" = "Mode vitesse limit<00>e : Auto-activ<00>";
/* Main window -> 2nd bottom left button (turtle) tooltip */
"Speed Limit overrides the total bandwidth limits with its own limits." = "Les r<00>glages en Mode vitesse limit<00>e priment sur la limite de bande-passante globale lorsque le mode vitesse limit<00>e est activ<00>.";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Stalled" = "Cal<00>";
/* Stats window -> title */
"Statistics" = "Statisiques";
/* Action menu -> status string toggle */
"Status of Selected Files" = "<00>tat des fichiers s<00>lectionn<00>s";
/* Action menu -> ratio stop
torrent action menu -> ratio stop */
"Stop at Ratio (%.2f)" = "Arr<00>ter au Ratio (%.2f)";
/* Torrent cell -> button info */
"Stop waiting to start" = "Arr<00>t<00>, en attente";
/* Donation beg -> title */
"Support open-source indie software" = "Supporter les logiciels open-source ind<00>pendants";
/* File size - terabytes */
"TB" = "To";
/* Create torrent -> directory doesn't exist warning -> title */
"The chosen torrent file location does not exist." = "La destination du fichier n'existe pas.";
/* Add torrent -> same name -> title */
"The destination directory and root data directory have the same name." = "Le dossier de t<00>l<00>chargement et le dossier racine des donn<00>es ont le m<00>me nom.";
/* Create torrent -> directory doesn't exist warning -> warning */
"The directory \"%@\" does not currently exist. Create this directory or choose a different one to create the torrent file." = "Le dossier \"%@\" n'existe pas. Cr<00>ez ce dossier ou choissisez un emplacement diff<00>rent pour cr<00>er le fichier torrent.";
/* Open duplicate magnet alert -> message */
"The magnet link \"%@\" cannot be added because it is a duplicate of an already existing transfer." = "Le lien aimant \"%@\" ne peut <00>tre ajout<00> car il est un duplicata d'un transfert existant.";
/* Move error alert -> message
Move inside itself alert -> message */
"The move operation of \"%@\" cannot be done." = "Le d<00>placement de \"%@\" n'a pu <00>tre effectu<00>.";
/* Torrent download failed -> message */
"The torrent could not be downloaded from %@: %@." = "Le torrent n'a pu <00>tre t<00>l<00>charg<00> de %1$@: %2$@.";
/* Torrent file copy alert -> message */
"The torrent file (%@) cannot be found." = "Le ficher torrent (%@) n'a pu <00>tre trouv<00>.";
/* Open invalid alert -> message */
"The torrent file cannot be opened because it contains invalid data." = "Ce fichier torrent ne peut <00>tre ouvert car il contient des donn<00>es invalides.";
/* Create torrent -> zero size -> title */
"The total file size is zero bytes." = "La taille totale du fichier est z<00>ro octets.";
/* Open duplicate alert -> message */
"The transfer cannot be added because it is a duplicate of an already existing transfer." = "Ce transfert ne peut <00>tre ajout<00> car il est une copie d'un transfert d<00>ja existant.";
/* Torrent disk space alert -> message */
"The transfer will be paused. Clear up space on %@ or deselect files in the torrent inspector to continue." = "Le transfert va <00>tre arr<00>t<00>. Faites de la place sur %@ ou d<00>s<00>lectionner des fichers dans l'inspecteur pour continuer.";
/* Create torrent -> blank address -> message */
"The transfer will not contact trackers for peers, and will have to rely solely on non-tracker peer discovery methods such as PEX and DHT to download and seed." = "Le transfert ne contactera pas le trackeur pour obtenir des pairs, et il d<00>pendra exclusivement des m<00>thodes d'obtention d<00>centralis<00>es (PEX, DHT, LPD) pour les <00>changes.
/* Confirm Quit panel -> message */
"There are %d active transfers that will be paused on quit. The transfers will automatically resume on the next launch." = "Il y a %d transferts actifs qui seront arr<00>t<00>s si vous quittez Transmission. Les transferts reprendront automatiquement au prochain lancement.";
/* Removal confirm panel -> message part 1 */
"There are %d active transfers." = "Il y a %d transferts actifs.";
/* Removal confirm panel -> message part 1 */
"There are %d transfers (%d active)." = "Il y a %1$d transferts (%2$d actifs).";
/* Create torrent -> blank address -> title */
"There are no tracker addresses." = "Il n'y a pas d'adresse de trackeur.";
/* Transmission already running alert -> message */
"There is already a copy of Transmission running. This copy cannot be opened until that instance is quit." = "Il y a d<00>ja une copie de Transmission en cours d'ex<00>cution. Cette copie ne pourra <00>tre ouverte tant que l'autre copie sera lanc<00>e.";
/* Confirm Quit panel -> message */
"There is an active transfer that will be paused on quit. The transfer will automatically resume on the next launch." = "Il y a 1 transfert actifs qui sera arr<00>t<00> si vous quittez Transmission. Ce transfert reprendra automatiquement au prochain lancement.";
/* Create torrent -> no files -> warning */
"There must be at least one file in a folder to create a torrent file." = "Il doit y avoir au moins un fichier dans un dossier pour cr<00>er un fichier torrent.";
/* Save log alert panel -> message */
"There was a problem creating the file \"%@\"." = "Il y a eu un probl<00>me <00> la cr<00>ation de \"%@\".";
/* Move error alert -> title */
"There was an error moving the data file." = "Il y a eu une erreur lors du d<00>placement des donn<00>es.";
/* Magnet link failed -> message */
"There was an error when adding the magnet link \"%@\". The transfer will not occur." = "Un erreur est survenue lors de l'ajout du lien aimant \"%@\". Le transfert n'aura pas lieu.";
/* Create torrent -> no files -> title */
"This folder contains no files." = "Ce dossier ne contient aucun fichier.";
/* Removal confirm panel -> message */
"This transfer is active. Once removed, continuing the transfer will require the torrent file or magnet link." = "Ce transfert est actif. Une fois supprim<00>, la reprise du transfert n<00>cessitera le fichier torrent ou un lien aimant.";
/* Stats reset -> message */
"This will clear the global statistics displayed by Transmission. Individual transfer statistics will not be affected." = "Ceci effacera les statistiques globales de Transmission. Les statistiques individuelles de transfert ne seront pas affect<00>es.";
/* Inspector -> tracker table */
"Tier %d" = "%d tier";
/* Filter toolbar item -> palette label */
"Toggle Filter" = "Afficher/masquer le filtre";
/* Inspector toolbar item -> palette label */
"Toggle Inspector" = "Afficher/masquer l'inspecteur";
/* Filter toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Toggle the filter bar" = "Affiche/masque la barre de filtre";
/* Inspector toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Toggle the torrent inspector" = "Affiche/masque l'inspecteur";
/* Download not a torrent -> title
Torrent download error -> title */
"Torrent download failed" = "<00>chec du t<00>l<00>chargement du torrent";
/* Growl notification title */
"Torrent File Auto Added" = "Fichier torrent auto-ajout<00>";
/* Inspector -> title */
"Torrent Inspector" = "Inspecteur de torrent";
/* Torrent -> progress string */
"torrent metadata needed" = "m<00>tadonn<00>es requises";
/* Status Bar -> speed tooltip */
"Total download rate" = "Vitesse de t<00>l<00>chargement totale";
/* stats total */
"Total N/A" = "Total N/A";
/* Status Bar -> speed tooltip */
"Total upload rate" = "Vitesse d'<00>mission totale";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Tracker returned error" = "Trackeur a renvoy<00> une erreur";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Tracker returned warning" = "Trackeur a renvoy<00> un avertissement";
/* Tracker next announce */
"Tracker will be used as a backup" = "Le trackeur sera utilis<00> en cas de probl<00>me";
/* Inspector -> tab
Inspector view -> title */
"Trackers" = "Trackeurs";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"Transfer Not Active" = "Transfert inactif";
/* Preferences -> toolbar item title */
"Transfers" = "Transferts";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"Transfers Not Active" = "Transferts inactifs";
/* Legal alert -> message */
"Transmission is a file-sharing program. When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. You and you alone are fully responsible for exercising proper judgement and abiding by your local laws." = "Transmission est un programme de partage de fichier. Quand vous d<00>marrerez un transfert, ses donn<00>es seront rendues disponibles aux autres via votre ordinateur. Vous et vous seul <00>tes enti<00>rement responsable de l'exercice de votre jugement et du respect des lois locales.";
/* Donation beg -> message */
"Transmission is a full-featured torrent application. A lot of time and effort have gone into development, coding, and refinement. If you enjoy using it, please consider showing your love with a donation." = "Transmission est une application Bittorrent compl<00>te. Beaucoup d'efforts et de temps ont <00>t<00>s n<00>cessaires <00> son d<00>veloppement, sa programmation et son peaufinement. Si vous appr<00>ciez son utilisation, pensez <00> montrer votre amour par un don.";
/* Transmission already running alert -> title */
"Transmission is already running." = "Transmission est d<00>ja lanc<00>.";
/* inspector -> peer table -> header
status bar -> status label
Torrent -> status string */
"UL" = "UL";
/* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */
"UL to %d" = "Envoi <00> %d";
/* File Outline -> Menu */
"Uncheck Selected" = "D<00>cocher s<00>lectionn<00>s";
/* Status Bar -> speed tooltip */
"unlimited" = "illimit<00>e";
/* Torrent -> error string unreadable */
"unreadable error" = "erreur illisible";
/* Save log panel -> default file name */
"untitled" = "Sans titre";
/* Torrent table -> group row -> tooltip */
"Upload speed" = "Vitesse d'<00>mission";
/* Stats window -> label */
"Uploaded" = "Envoy<00>";
/* Torrent -> progress string */
"uploaded %@ (Ratio: %@)" = "envoy<00> %1$@ (Ratio: %2$@)";
/* inspector -> peer table -> header tool tip */
"Uploading To Peer" = "Envoi au pair";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Waiting to check existing data" = "En attente de v<00>rification";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Waiting to download" = "En attente de t<00>l<00>chargement";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"Waiting to seed" = "En attente d'envoi";
/* Drag overlay -> url */
"Web Address" = "Adresse Web";
/* Torrent -> status string */
"web seed" = "source Web";
/* inspector -> web seed table -> header */
"Web Seeds" = "Sources Web";
/* Legal alert -> title */
"Welcome to Transmission" = "Bienvenue dans Transmission";
/* Groups -> Name */
"Yellow" = "Jaune";
/* Inspector -> peer -> status */
"You unchoked the peer, but the peer is not interested" = "Nous ne choquons plus le pair, mais il n'est pas int<00>ress<00> par nous";
/* Inspector -> peer -> status */
"You want to download, but peer does not want to send (interested and choked)" = "Vous voulez t<00>l<00>charger, mais le pair ne veut pas envoyer (int<00>ress<00> et choqu<00>)";