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synced 2025-03-05 11:08:04 +00:00
* deps: change web build-dep from node-sass to sass https://sass-lang.com/blog/libsass-is-deprecated and dart sass is the recommended replacement. * deps: yarn upgrade-interactive * deps: update babel dep to 7.17 * deps: update eslint * deps: update prettier * deps: update svgo * deps: update webpack to 5.72.1 * deps: update webpack-bundle-analyzer to 4.5.0 * deps: update webpack-cli to 4.9.2 * deps: update webpack-dev-server from 3.11.3 to 4.9.0 * deps: replace svgo, svgo-loader, url-loader with webpack asset/inline * chore: rename "style" dir as "assets" * deps: update stylelint from 13.13.1 to 14.8.2 * deps: bump terser-webpack-plugin from 5.1.4 to 5.3.1 * deps: bump css-loader from 5.2.7 to 6.7.1 * deps: bump css-minimizer-webpack-plugin from 3.0.2 to 3.4.1 * deps: bump mini-css-extract-plugin from 1.6.2 to 2.6.0
3 lines
841 B
3 lines
841 B
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