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mirror of https://github.com/transmission/transmission synced 2025-03-03 02:05:19 +00:00
Charles Kerr cd453764b1
feat: web client refresh (#1476)
Give the web client a major overhaul.

User-visible highlights include:

* Mobile is now fully supported.
* Added fullscreen support on mobile.
* Better support for dark mode.
* Added mime icons to the torrent list.
* Improved theme consistency across the app.

Maintainer highlights include:

* Updated code to use ES6 APIs.
* No longer uses jQuery UI.
* No longer uses jQuery.
* Use Webpack to bundle the Javascript, CSS, and assets together -- the entire bundle size is now 68K gzipped.
* Added eslint / prettier / stylelint tooling.
* Uses torrent-get's 'table' mode for more efficient RPC calls.
2020-10-23 20:04:25 -05:00

3 lines
841 B

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