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412 lines
13 KiB
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Use new treemodel for diff view. Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` for the purposes of the diff dialog. Rewrite diff output parsing. Add sorting through `QSortFilterProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResult.__init__): Remove doubled if statement. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Rename `DiffResult` to `DiffResultDialog`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree.__init__): Remove the use of `QVariant`. Since python has no type enforcement `QVariant` is not needed. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree): Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` and add additional info tooltip. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_json): Some changes for use with new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_lines): Full regex based line parsing and other modifications to go with the new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (FileType): Enum of possible file types. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (ChangeType): Enum of possible change types. Currently all are mapped to `ADDED`, `MODIFIED` and `REMOVED`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (calc_size): Rename to `size_to_byte`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/diffresult.ui : Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResultDialog): Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * tests/test_diff.py : Fix tests for diff parser. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Connect to `sorted` of `DiffSortProxyModel` to reveal selected items in view. * src/vorta/views/partials/treemodel.py : Add `FileTreeSortProxyModel` with abstract code. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffSortProxyModel): Implement `FileTreeSortProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffItem): This variable holds the type `FileSystemItem[DiffData]`.
2022-03-11 13:57:01 +00:00
from pathlib import PurePath
import pytest
import vorta.borg
import vorta.utils
import vorta.views.archive_tab
Use new treemodel for diff view. Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` for the purposes of the diff dialog. Rewrite diff output parsing. Add sorting through `QSortFilterProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResult.__init__): Remove doubled if statement. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Rename `DiffResult` to `DiffResultDialog`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree.__init__): Remove the use of `QVariant`. Since python has no type enforcement `QVariant` is not needed. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree): Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` and add additional info tooltip. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_json): Some changes for use with new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_lines): Full regex based line parsing and other modifications to go with the new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (FileType): Enum of possible file types. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (ChangeType): Enum of possible change types. Currently all are mapped to `ADDED`, `MODIFIED` and `REMOVED`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (calc_size): Rename to `size_to_byte`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/diffresult.ui : Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResultDialog): Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * tests/test_diff.py : Fix tests for diff parser. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Connect to `sorted` of `DiffSortProxyModel` to reveal selected items in view. * src/vorta/views/partials/treemodel.py : Add `FileTreeSortProxyModel` with abstract code. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffSortProxyModel): Implement `FileTreeSortProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffItem): This variable holds the type `FileSystemItem[DiffData]`.
2022-03-11 13:57:01 +00:00
from PyQt6.QtCore import QDateTime, QItemSelectionModel, Qt
from vorta.views.diff_result import (
'json_mock_file,folder_root', [('diff_archives', 'test'), ('diff_archives_dict_issue', 'Users')]
def test_archive_diff(qapp, qtbot, mocker, borg_json_output, json_mock_file, folder_root):
main = qapp.main_window
tab = main.archiveTab
qtbot.waitUntil(lambda: tab.archiveTable.rowCount() == 2)
stdout, stderr = borg_json_output(json_mock_file)
popen_result = mocker.MagicMock(stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, returncode=0)
mocker.patch.object(vorta.borg.borg_job, 'Popen', return_value=popen_result)
Use new treemodel for diff view. Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` for the purposes of the diff dialog. Rewrite diff output parsing. Add sorting through `QSortFilterProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResult.__init__): Remove doubled if statement. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Rename `DiffResult` to `DiffResultDialog`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree.__init__): Remove the use of `QVariant`. Since python has no type enforcement `QVariant` is not needed. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree): Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` and add additional info tooltip. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_json): Some changes for use with new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_lines): Full regex based line parsing and other modifications to go with the new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (FileType): Enum of possible file types. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (ChangeType): Enum of possible change types. Currently all are mapped to `ADDED`, `MODIFIED` and `REMOVED`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (calc_size): Rename to `size_to_byte`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/diffresult.ui : Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResultDialog): Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * tests/test_diff.py : Fix tests for diff parser. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Connect to `sorted` of `DiffSortProxyModel` to reveal selected items in view. * src/vorta/views/partials/treemodel.py : Add `FileTreeSortProxyModel` with abstract code. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffSortProxyModel): Implement `FileTreeSortProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffItem): This variable holds the type `FileSystemItem[DiffData]`.
2022-03-11 13:57:01 +00:00
compat = vorta.utils.borg_compat
def check(feature_name):
if feature_name == 'DIFF_JSON_LINES':
return False
return vorta.utils.BorgCompatibility.check(compat, feature_name)
Use new treemodel for diff view. Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` for the purposes of the diff dialog. Rewrite diff output parsing. Add sorting through `QSortFilterProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResult.__init__): Remove doubled if statement. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Rename `DiffResult` to `DiffResultDialog`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree.__init__): Remove the use of `QVariant`. Since python has no type enforcement `QVariant` is not needed. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree): Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` and add additional info tooltip. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_json): Some changes for use with new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_lines): Full regex based line parsing and other modifications to go with the new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (FileType): Enum of possible file types. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (ChangeType): Enum of possible change types. Currently all are mapped to `ADDED`, `MODIFIED` and `REMOVED`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (calc_size): Rename to `size_to_byte`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/diffresult.ui : Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResultDialog): Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * tests/test_diff.py : Fix tests for diff parser. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Connect to `sorted` of `DiffSortProxyModel` to reveal selected items in view. * src/vorta/views/partials/treemodel.py : Add `FileTreeSortProxyModel` with abstract code. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffSortProxyModel): Implement `FileTreeSortProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffItem): This variable holds the type `FileSystemItem[DiffData]`.
2022-03-11 13:57:01 +00:00
mocker.patch.object(vorta.utils.borg_compat, 'check', check)
selection_model: QItemSelectionModel = tab.archiveTable.selectionModel()
model = tab.archiveTable.model()
flags = QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag.Rows
flags |= QItemSelectionModel.SelectionFlag.Select
selection_model.select(model.index(0, 0), flags)
selection_model.select(model.index(1, 0), flags)
qtbot.waitUntil(lambda: hasattr(tab, '_resultwindow'), **pytest._wait_defaults)
Use new treemodel for diff view. Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` for the purposes of the diff dialog. Rewrite diff output parsing. Add sorting through `QSortFilterProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResult.__init__): Remove doubled if statement. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Rename `DiffResult` to `DiffResultDialog`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree.__init__): Remove the use of `QVariant`. Since python has no type enforcement `QVariant` is not needed. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree): Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` and add additional info tooltip. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_json): Some changes for use with new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_lines): Full regex based line parsing and other modifications to go with the new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (FileType): Enum of possible file types. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (ChangeType): Enum of possible change types. Currently all are mapped to `ADDED`, `MODIFIED` and `REMOVED`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (calc_size): Rename to `size_to_byte`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/diffresult.ui : Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResultDialog): Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * tests/test_diff.py : Fix tests for diff parser. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Connect to `sorted` of `DiffSortProxyModel` to reveal selected items in view. * src/vorta/views/partials/treemodel.py : Add `FileTreeSortProxyModel` with abstract code. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffSortProxyModel): Implement `FileTreeSortProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffItem): This variable holds the type `FileSystemItem[DiffData]`.
2022-03-11 13:57:01 +00:00
model = tab._resultwindow.treeView.model().sourceModel()
assert model.root.children[0].subpath == folder_root
assert tab._resultwindow.archiveNameLabel_1.text() == 'test-archive'
Use new treemodel for diff view. Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` for the purposes of the diff dialog. Rewrite diff output parsing. Add sorting through `QSortFilterProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResult.__init__): Remove doubled if statement. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Rename `DiffResult` to `DiffResultDialog`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree.__init__): Remove the use of `QVariant`. Since python has no type enforcement `QVariant` is not needed. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree): Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` and add additional info tooltip. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_json): Some changes for use with new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_lines): Full regex based line parsing and other modifications to go with the new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (FileType): Enum of possible file types. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (ChangeType): Enum of possible change types. Currently all are mapped to `ADDED`, `MODIFIED` and `REMOVED`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (calc_size): Rename to `size_to_byte`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/diffresult.ui : Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResultDialog): Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * tests/test_diff.py : Fix tests for diff parser. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Connect to `sorted` of `DiffSortProxyModel` to reveal selected items in view. * src/vorta/views/partials/treemodel.py : Add `FileTreeSortProxyModel` with abstract code. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffSortProxyModel): Implement `FileTreeSortProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffItem): This variable holds the type `FileSystemItem[DiffData]`.
2022-03-11 13:57:01 +00:00
'line, expected',
'changed link some/changed/link',
('some/changed/link', FileType.LINK, ChangeType.CHANGED_LINK, 0, 0, None, None, None, None, None),
' +77.8 kB -77.8 kB some/changed/file',
2 * 77800,
(77800, 77800),
' +77.8 kB -77.8 kB [-rw-rw-rw- -> -rw-r--r--] some/changed/file',
2 * 77800,
('-rw-rw-rw-', '-rw-r--r--'),
(77800, 77800),
'[-rw-rw-rw- -> -rw-r--r--] some/changed/file',
('-rw-rw-rw-', '-rw-r--r--'),
'added directory some/changed/dir',
('some/changed/dir', FileType.DIRECTORY, ChangeType.ADDED, 0, 0, None, None, None, None, None),
'removed directory some/changed/dir',
('some/changed/dir', FileType.DIRECTORY, ChangeType.REMOVED_DIR, 0, 0, None, None, None, None, None),
Use new treemodel for diff view. Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` for the purposes of the diff dialog. Rewrite diff output parsing. Add sorting through `QSortFilterProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResult.__init__): Remove doubled if statement. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Rename `DiffResult` to `DiffResultDialog`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree.__init__): Remove the use of `QVariant`. Since python has no type enforcement `QVariant` is not needed. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree): Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` and add additional info tooltip. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_json): Some changes for use with new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_lines): Full regex based line parsing and other modifications to go with the new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (FileType): Enum of possible file types. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (ChangeType): Enum of possible change types. Currently all are mapped to `ADDED`, `MODIFIED` and `REMOVED`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (calc_size): Rename to `size_to_byte`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/diffresult.ui : Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResultDialog): Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * tests/test_diff.py : Fix tests for diff parser. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Connect to `sorted` of `DiffSortProxyModel` to reveal selected items in view. * src/vorta/views/partials/treemodel.py : Add `FileTreeSortProxyModel` with abstract code. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffSortProxyModel): Implement `FileTreeSortProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffItem): This variable holds the type `FileSystemItem[DiffData]`.
2022-03-11 13:57:01 +00:00
# Example from https://github.com/borgbase/vorta/issues/521
'[user:user -> nfsnobody:nfsnobody] home/user/arrays/test.txt',
('user', 'user', 'nfsnobody', 'nfsnobody'),
Use new treemodel for diff view. Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` for the purposes of the diff dialog. Rewrite diff output parsing. Add sorting through `QSortFilterProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResult.__init__): Remove doubled if statement. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Rename `DiffResult` to `DiffResultDialog`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree.__init__): Remove the use of `QVariant`. Since python has no type enforcement `QVariant` is not needed. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree): Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` and add additional info tooltip. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_json): Some changes for use with new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_lines): Full regex based line parsing and other modifications to go with the new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (FileType): Enum of possible file types. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (ChangeType): Enum of possible change types. Currently all are mapped to `ADDED`, `MODIFIED` and `REMOVED`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (calc_size): Rename to `size_to_byte`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/diffresult.ui : Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResultDialog): Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * tests/test_diff.py : Fix tests for diff parser. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Connect to `sorted` of `DiffSortProxyModel` to reveal selected items in view. * src/vorta/views/partials/treemodel.py : Add `FileTreeSortProxyModel` with abstract code. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffSortProxyModel): Implement `FileTreeSortProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffItem): This variable holds the type `FileSystemItem[DiffData]`.
2022-03-11 13:57:01 +00:00
# Very short owner change, to check stripping whitespace from file path
'[a:a -> b:b] home/user/arrays/test.txt',
('a', 'a', 'b', 'b'),
Use new treemodel for diff view. Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` for the purposes of the diff dialog. Rewrite diff output parsing. Add sorting through `QSortFilterProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResult.__init__): Remove doubled if statement. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Rename `DiffResult` to `DiffResultDialog`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree.__init__): Remove the use of `QVariant`. Since python has no type enforcement `QVariant` is not needed. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree): Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` and add additional info tooltip. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_json): Some changes for use with new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_lines): Full regex based line parsing and other modifications to go with the new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (FileType): Enum of possible file types. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (ChangeType): Enum of possible change types. Currently all are mapped to `ADDED`, `MODIFIED` and `REMOVED`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (calc_size): Rename to `size_to_byte`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/diffresult.ui : Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResultDialog): Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * tests/test_diff.py : Fix tests for diff parser. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Connect to `sorted` of `DiffSortProxyModel` to reveal selected items in view. * src/vorta/views/partials/treemodel.py : Add `FileTreeSortProxyModel` with abstract code. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffSortProxyModel): Implement `FileTreeSortProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffItem): This variable holds the type `FileSystemItem[DiffData]`.
2022-03-11 13:57:01 +00:00
# All file-related changes in one test
' +77.8 kB -800 B [user:user -> nfsnobody:nfsnobody] [-rw-rw-rw- -> -rw-r--r--] home/user/arrays/test.txt',
77800 + 800,
('-rw-rw-rw-', '-rw-r--r--'),
('user', 'user', 'nfsnobody', 'nfsnobody'),
(77800, 800),
def test_archive_diff_parser(line, expected):
Use new treemodel for diff view. Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` for the purposes of the diff dialog. Rewrite diff output parsing. Add sorting through `QSortFilterProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResult.__init__): Remove doubled if statement. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Rename `DiffResult` to `DiffResultDialog`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree.__init__): Remove the use of `QVariant`. Since python has no type enforcement `QVariant` is not needed. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree): Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` and add additional info tooltip. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_json): Some changes for use with new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_lines): Full regex based line parsing and other modifications to go with the new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (FileType): Enum of possible file types. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (ChangeType): Enum of possible change types. Currently all are mapped to `ADDED`, `MODIFIED` and `REMOVED`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (calc_size): Rename to `size_to_byte`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/diffresult.ui : Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResultDialog): Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * tests/test_diff.py : Fix tests for diff parser. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Connect to `sorted` of `DiffSortProxyModel` to reveal selected items in view. * src/vorta/views/partials/treemodel.py : Add `FileTreeSortProxyModel` with abstract code. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffSortProxyModel): Implement `FileTreeSortProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffItem): This variable holds the type `FileSystemItem[DiffData]`.
2022-03-11 13:57:01 +00:00
model = DiffTree()
parse_diff_lines([line], model)
assert model.rowCount() == 1
item = model.index(0, 0).internalPointer()
assert item.path == PurePath(expected[0]).parts
assert item.data == DiffData(*expected[1:])
'line, expected',
{'path': 'some/changed/link', 'changes': [{'type': 'changed link'}]},
('some/changed/link', FileType.LINK, ChangeType.CHANGED_LINK, 0, 0, None, None, None, None, None),
{'path': 'some/changed/file', 'changes': [{'type': 'modified', 'added': 77800, 'removed': 77800}]},
2 * 77800,
(77800, 77800),
'path': 'some/changed/file',
'changes': [
{'type': 'modified', 'added': 77800, 'removed': 800},
{'type': 'mode', 'old_mode': '-rw-rw-rw-', 'new_mode': '-rw-r--r--'},
77800 + 800,
('-rw-rw-rw-', '-rw-r--r--'),
(77800, 800),
'path': 'some/changed/file',
'changes': [{'type': 'mode', 'old_mode': '-rw-rw-rw-', 'new_mode': '-rw-r--r--'}],
('-rw-rw-rw-', '-rw-r--r--'),
{'path': 'some/changed/dir', 'changes': [{'type': 'added directory'}]},
('some/changed/dir', FileType.DIRECTORY, ChangeType.ADDED, 0, 0, None, None, None, None, None),
{'path': 'some/changed/dir', 'changes': [{'type': 'removed directory'}]},
('some/changed/dir', FileType.DIRECTORY, ChangeType.REMOVED_DIR, 0, 0, None, None, None, None, None),
Use new treemodel for diff view. Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` for the purposes of the diff dialog. Rewrite diff output parsing. Add sorting through `QSortFilterProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResult.__init__): Remove doubled if statement. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Rename `DiffResult` to `DiffResultDialog`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree.__init__): Remove the use of `QVariant`. Since python has no type enforcement `QVariant` is not needed. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree): Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` and add additional info tooltip. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_json): Some changes for use with new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_lines): Full regex based line parsing and other modifications to go with the new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (FileType): Enum of possible file types. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (ChangeType): Enum of possible change types. Currently all are mapped to `ADDED`, `MODIFIED` and `REMOVED`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (calc_size): Rename to `size_to_byte`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/diffresult.ui : Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResultDialog): Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * tests/test_diff.py : Fix tests for diff parser. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Connect to `sorted` of `DiffSortProxyModel` to reveal selected items in view. * src/vorta/views/partials/treemodel.py : Add `FileTreeSortProxyModel` with abstract code. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffSortProxyModel): Implement `FileTreeSortProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffItem): This variable holds the type `FileSystemItem[DiffData]`.
2022-03-11 13:57:01 +00:00
# Example from https://github.com/borgbase/vorta/issues/521
'path': 'home/user/arrays/test.txt',
'changes': [
'type': 'owner',
'old_user': 'user',
'new_user': 'nfsnobody',
'old_group': 'user',
'new_group': 'nfsnobody',
('user', 'user', 'nfsnobody', 'nfsnobody'),
Use new treemodel for diff view. Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` for the purposes of the diff dialog. Rewrite diff output parsing. Add sorting through `QSortFilterProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResult.__init__): Remove doubled if statement. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Rename `DiffResult` to `DiffResultDialog`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree.__init__): Remove the use of `QVariant`. Since python has no type enforcement `QVariant` is not needed. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree): Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` and add additional info tooltip. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_json): Some changes for use with new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_lines): Full regex based line parsing and other modifications to go with the new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (FileType): Enum of possible file types. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (ChangeType): Enum of possible change types. Currently all are mapped to `ADDED`, `MODIFIED` and `REMOVED`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (calc_size): Rename to `size_to_byte`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/diffresult.ui : Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResultDialog): Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * tests/test_diff.py : Fix tests for diff parser. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Connect to `sorted` of `DiffSortProxyModel` to reveal selected items in view. * src/vorta/views/partials/treemodel.py : Add `FileTreeSortProxyModel` with abstract code. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffSortProxyModel): Implement `FileTreeSortProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffItem): This variable holds the type `FileSystemItem[DiffData]`.
2022-03-11 13:57:01 +00:00
# Very short owner change, to check stripping whitespace from file path
'path': 'home/user/arrays/test.txt',
'changes': [{'type': 'owner', 'old_user': 'a', 'new_user': 'b', 'old_group': 'a', 'new_group': 'b'}],
('a', 'a', 'b', 'b'),
# Short ctime change
'path': 'home/user/arrays',
'changes': [
'new_ctime': '2023-04-01T17:23:14.104630',
'old_ctime': '2023-03-03T23:40:17.073948',
'type': 'ctime',
QDateTime.fromString('2023-03-03T23:40:17.073948', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs),
QDateTime.fromString('2023-04-01T17:23:14.104630', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs),
# Short mtime change
'path': 'home/user/arrays',
'changes': [
'new_mtime': '2023-04-01T17:23:14.104630',
'old_mtime': '2023-03-03T23:40:17.073948',
'type': 'mtime',
QDateTime.fromString('2023-03-03T23:40:17.073948', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs),
QDateTime.fromString('2023-04-01T17:23:14.104630', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs),
Use new treemodel for diff view. Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` for the purposes of the diff dialog. Rewrite diff output parsing. Add sorting through `QSortFilterProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResult.__init__): Remove doubled if statement. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Rename `DiffResult` to `DiffResultDialog`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree.__init__): Remove the use of `QVariant`. Since python has no type enforcement `QVariant` is not needed. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree): Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` and add additional info tooltip. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_json): Some changes for use with new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_lines): Full regex based line parsing and other modifications to go with the new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (FileType): Enum of possible file types. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (ChangeType): Enum of possible change types. Currently all are mapped to `ADDED`, `MODIFIED` and `REMOVED`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (calc_size): Rename to `size_to_byte`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/diffresult.ui : Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResultDialog): Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * tests/test_diff.py : Fix tests for diff parser. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Connect to `sorted` of `DiffSortProxyModel` to reveal selected items in view. * src/vorta/views/partials/treemodel.py : Add `FileTreeSortProxyModel` with abstract code. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffSortProxyModel): Implement `FileTreeSortProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffItem): This variable holds the type `FileSystemItem[DiffData]`.
2022-03-11 13:57:01 +00:00
# All file-related changes in one test
'path': 'home/user/arrays/test.txt',
'changes': [
{'type': 'modified', 'added': 77800, 'removed': 77800},
{'type': 'mode', 'old_mode': '-rw-rw-rw-', 'new_mode': '-rw-r--r--'},
'type': 'owner',
'old_user': 'user',
'new_user': 'nfsnobody',
'old_group': 'user',
'new_group': 'nfsnobody',
'new_ctime': '2023-04-01T17:23:14.104630',
'old_ctime': '2023-03-03T23:40:17.073948',
'type': 'ctime',
'new_mtime': '2023-04-01T17:15:50.290565',
'old_mtime': '2023-03-05T00:24:00.359045',
'type': 'mtime',
2 * 77800,
('-rw-rw-rw-', '-rw-r--r--'),
('user', 'user', 'nfsnobody', 'nfsnobody'),
QDateTime.fromString('2023-03-03T23:40:17.073948', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs),
QDateTime.fromString('2023-04-01T17:23:14.104630', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs),
QDateTime.fromString('2023-03-05T00:24:00.359045', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs),
QDateTime.fromString('2023-04-01T17:15:50.290565', Qt.DateFormat.ISODateWithMs),
(77800, 77800),
def test_archive_diff_json_parser(line, expected):
Use new treemodel for diff view. Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` for the purposes of the diff dialog. Rewrite diff output parsing. Add sorting through `QSortFilterProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResult.__init__): Remove doubled if statement. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Rename `DiffResult` to `DiffResultDialog`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree.__init__): Remove the use of `QVariant`. Since python has no type enforcement `QVariant` is not needed. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffTree): Subclass `treemodel.FileTreeModel` and add additional info tooltip. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_json): Some changes for use with new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (parse_diff_lines): Full regex based line parsing and other modifications to go with the new model. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (FileType): Enum of possible file types. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (ChangeType): Enum of possible change types. Currently all are mapped to `ADDED`, `MODIFIED` and `REMOVED`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (calc_size): Rename to `size_to_byte`. * src/vorta/assets/UI/diffresult.ui : Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffResultDialog): Move `alternatingRowColours` to the .ui file. * tests/test_diff.py : Fix tests for diff parser. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py : Connect to `sorted` of `DiffSortProxyModel` to reveal selected items in view. * src/vorta/views/partials/treemodel.py : Add `FileTreeSortProxyModel` with abstract code. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffSortProxyModel): Implement `FileTreeSortProxyModel`. * src/vorta/views/diff_result.py (DiffItem): This variable holds the type `FileSystemItem[DiffData]`.
2022-03-11 13:57:01 +00:00
model = DiffTree()
parse_diff_json([line], model)
assert model.rowCount() == 1
item = model.index(0, 0).internalPointer()
assert item.path == PurePath(expected[0]).parts
assert item.data == DiffData(*expected[1:])