
272 lines
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This module provides the app's data store using Peewee with SQLite.
At the bottom there is a simple schema migration system.
import json
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
import peewee as pw
from playhouse import signals
from vorta.utils import slugify
from vorta.views.utils import get_exclusion_presets
DB = pw.Proxy()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class JSONField(pw.TextField):
Class to "fake" a JSON field with a text field. Not efficient but works nicely.
From: https://gist.github.com/rosscdh/f4f26758b0228f475b132c688f15af2b
def db_value(self, value) -> Optional[str]:
"""Convert the python value for storage in the database."""
return value if value is None else json.dumps(value)
def python_value(self, value) -> Optional[str]:
"""Convert the database value to a pythonic value."""
return value if value is None else json.loads(value)
class BaseModel(signals.Model):
"""Common model superclass."""
class RepoModel(BaseModel):
"""A single remote repo with unique URL."""
url = pw.CharField(unique=True)
name = pw.CharField(default='')
added_at = pw.DateTimeField(default=datetime.now)
encryption = pw.CharField(null=True)
unique_size = pw.IntegerField(null=True)
unique_csize = pw.IntegerField(null=True)
total_size = pw.IntegerField(null=True)
total_unique_chunks = pw.IntegerField(null=True)
create_backup_cmd = pw.CharField(default='')
extra_borg_arguments = pw.CharField(default='')
def is_remote_repo(self) -> bool:
return not self.url.startswith('/')
class Meta:
database = DB
class RepoPassword(BaseModel):
"""Fallback to save repo passwords. Only used if no Keyring available."""
url = pw.CharField(unique=True)
password = pw.CharField()
class Meta:
database = DB
class BackupProfileModel(BaseModel):
"""Allows the user to switch between different configurations."""
name = pw.CharField()
added_at = pw.DateTimeField(default=datetime.now)
repo = pw.ForeignKeyField(RepoModel, default=None, null=True)
ssh_key = pw.CharField(default=None, null=True)
compression = pw.CharField(default='lz4')
exclude_patterns = pw.TextField(null=True)
exclude_if_present = pw.TextField(null=True)
schedule_mode = pw.CharField(default='off')
schedule_interval_count = pw.IntegerField(default=3)
schedule_interval_unit = pw.CharField(default='hours')
schedule_fixed_hour = pw.IntegerField(default=3)
schedule_fixed_minute = pw.IntegerField(default=42)
schedule_interval_hours = pw.IntegerField(default=3) # no longer used
schedule_interval_minutes = pw.IntegerField(default=42) # no longer used
schedule_make_up_missed = pw.BooleanField(default=True)
validation_on = pw.BooleanField(default=True)
validation_weeks = pw.IntegerField(default=3)
prune_on = pw.BooleanField(default=False)
prune_hour = pw.IntegerField(default=2)
prune_day = pw.IntegerField(default=7)
prune_week = pw.IntegerField(default=4)
prune_month = pw.IntegerField(default=6)
prune_year = pw.IntegerField(default=2)
prune_keep_within = pw.CharField(default='10H', null=True)
new_archive_name = pw.CharField(default="{hostname}-{now:%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S}")
prune_prefix = pw.CharField(default="{hostname}-")
pre_backup_cmd = pw.CharField(default='')
post_backup_cmd = pw.CharField(default='')
dont_run_on_metered_networks = pw.BooleanField(default=True)
def refresh(self) -> None:
return type(self).get(self._pk_expr())
def slug(self) -> str:
return slugify(self.name)
def get_combined_exclusion_string(self) -> str:
allPresets: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = get_exclusion_presets()
excludes = ""
if (
ExclusionModel.profile == self,
ExclusionModel.source == ExclusionModel.SourceFieldOptions.CUSTOM.value,
> 0
excludes = "# custom added rules\n"
for exclude in ExclusionModel.select().where(
ExclusionModel.profile == self,
ExclusionModel.source == ExclusionModel.SourceFieldOptions.CUSTOM.value,
excludes += f"{exclude.name}\n"
raw_excludes = self.exclude_patterns
if raw_excludes:
excludes += "\n# raw exclusions\n"
excludes += raw_excludes
excludes += "\n"
# go through all source=='preset' exclusions, find the name in the allPresets dict, and add the patterns
for exclude in ExclusionModel.select().where(
ExclusionModel.profile == self,
ExclusionModel.source == ExclusionModel.SourceFieldOptions.PRESET.value,
if exclude.name not in allPresets:
logger.warning("Exclusion preset %s not found in built-in presets.", exclude.name)
excludes += f"\n# {exclude.name}\n"
for pattern in allPresets[exclude.name]['patterns']:
excludes += f"{pattern}\n"
return excludes
class Meta:
database = DB
class ExclusionModel(BaseModel):
If this is a user created exclusion, the name will be the same as the pattern added. For exclusions added from
presets, the name will be the same as the preset name. Duplicate patterns are already handled by Borg.
class SourceFieldOptions(Enum):
CUSTOM = 'custom'
PRESET = 'preset'
profile = pw.ForeignKeyField(BackupProfileModel, backref='exclusions')
name = pw.CharField()
enabled = pw.BooleanField(default=True)
source = pw.CharField(default=SourceFieldOptions.CUSTOM.value)
class Meta:
database = DB
class SourceFileModel(BaseModel):
"""A folder to be backed up, related to a Backup Configuration."""
dir = pw.CharField()
dir_size = pw.BigIntegerField(default=-1)
dir_files_count = pw.BigIntegerField(default=-1)
path_isdir = pw.BooleanField(default=False)
profile = pw.ForeignKeyField(BackupProfileModel, default=1)
added_at = pw.DateTimeField(default=datetime.utcnow)
class Meta:
database = DB
table_name = 'sourcedirmodel'
class ArchiveModel(BaseModel):
"""An archive in a remote repository."""
snapshot_id = pw.CharField()
name = pw.CharField()
repo = pw.ForeignKeyField(RepoModel, backref='archives')
time = pw.DateTimeField()
duration = pw.FloatField(null=True)
size = pw.IntegerField(null=True)
trigger = pw.CharField(null=True)
def formatted_time(self) -> None:
class Meta:
database = DB
class WifiSettingModel(BaseModel):
"""Save Wifi Settings"""
ssid = pw.CharField()
last_connected = pw.DateTimeField(null=True)
allowed = pw.BooleanField(default=True)
profile = pw.ForeignKeyField(BackupProfileModel, default=1)
class Meta:
database = DB
class EventLogModel(BaseModel):
"""Keep a log of background jobs."""
start_time = pw.DateTimeField(default=datetime.now)
end_time = pw.DateTimeField(default=datetime.now)
category = pw.CharField()
subcommand = pw.CharField(null=True)
message = pw.CharField(null=True)
returncode = pw.IntegerField(default=-1)
params = JSONField(null=True)
profile = pw.CharField(null=True)
repo_url = pw.CharField(null=True)
class Meta:
database = DB
class SchemaVersion(BaseModel):
"""Keep DB version to apply the correct migrations."""
version = pw.IntegerField()
changed_at = pw.DateTimeField(default=datetime.now)
class Meta:
database = DB
class SettingsModel(BaseModel):
"""App settings unrelated to a single profile or repo"""
key = pw.CharField(unique=True)
value = pw.BooleanField(default=False)
str_value = pw.CharField(default='')
label = pw.CharField()
group = pw.CharField(default='') # Settings group name and label
tooltip = pw.CharField(default='') # optional tooltip for `checkbox` type
type = pw.CharField()
class Meta:
database = DB
class BackupProfileMixin:
"""Extend to support multiple profiles later."""
def profile(self) -> BackupProfileModel:
return BackupProfileModel.get(id=self.window().current_profile.id)