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import pytest
import vorta.views
from PyQt6 import QtCore
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QMessageBox
from vorta.views.main_window import MainWindow
from vorta.views.source_tab import SourceTab
def source_env(qapp, qtbot, monkeypatch, choose_file_dialog):
Handles common setup and teardown for unit tests involving the source tab.
main: MainWindow = qapp.main_window
tab: SourceTab = main.sourceTab
qtbot.waitUntil(lambda: tab.sourceFilesWidget.rowCount() == 1, timeout=2000)
monkeypatch.setattr(vorta.views.source_tab, "choose_file_dialog", choose_file_dialog)
yield main, tab
# Wait for directory sizing to finish
qtbot.waitUntil(lambda: len(qapp.main_window.sourceTab.updateThreads) == 0, timeout=2000)
def test_source_add_remove(qapp, qtbot, monkeypatch, mocker, source_env):
Tests adding and removing source to ensure expected behavior.
main, tab = source_env
mocker.patch.object(QMessageBox, "exec") # prevent QMessageBox from stopping test
# test adding a folder with os access
mocker.patch('os.access', return_value=True)
qtbot.waitUntil(lambda: tab.sourceFilesWidget.rowCount() == 2, **pytest._wait_defaults)
assert tab.sourceFilesWidget.rowCount() == 2
# test adding a folder without os access
mocker.patch('os.access', return_value=False)
assert tab.sourceFilesWidget.rowCount() == 2
# test removing a folder
qtbot.mouseClick(tab.removeButton, QtCore.Qt.MouseButton.LeftButton)
qtbot.waitUntil(lambda: tab.sourceFilesWidget.rowCount() == 1, **pytest._wait_defaults)
assert tab.sourceFilesWidget.rowCount() == 1
"path, valid",
(__file__, True), # valid path
("test", False), # invalid path
(f"file://{__file__}", True), # valid - normal path with prefix that will be stripped
(f"file://{__file__}\n{__file__}", True), # valid - two files separated by new line
(f"file://{__file__}{__file__}", False), # invalid - no new line separating file names
def test_valid_and_invalid_source_paths(qapp, qtbot, mocker, source_env, path, valid):
Valid paths will be added as a source.
Invalid paths will trigger an alert and not be added as a source.
main, tab = source_env
mock_clipboard = mocker.Mock()
mock_clipboard.text.return_value = path
mocker.patch.object(vorta.views.source_tab.QApplication, 'clipboard', return_value=mock_clipboard)
mocker.patch.object(QMessageBox, "exec") # prevent QMessageBox from stopping test
if valid:
assert not hasattr(tab, '_msg')
qtbot.waitUntil(lambda: tab.sourceFilesWidget.rowCount() == 2, **pytest._wait_defaults)
assert tab.sourceFilesWidget.rowCount() == 2
qtbot.waitUntil(lambda: hasattr(tab, "_msg"), **pytest._wait_defaults)
assert tab._msg.text().startswith("Some of your sources are invalid")
assert tab.sourceFilesWidget.rowCount() == 1
def test_sources_update(qapp, qtbot, mocker, source_env):
Tests the source update button in the source tab
main, tab = source_env
update_path_info_spy = mocker.spy(tab, "update_path_info")
# test that `update_path_info()` has been called for each source path
qtbot.mouseClick(tab.updateButton, QtCore.Qt.MouseButton.LeftButton)
assert tab.sourceFilesWidget.rowCount() == 1
assert update_path_info_spy.call_count == 1
# add a new source and reset mock
qtbot.waitUntil(lambda: tab.sourceFilesWidget.rowCount() == 2, **pytest._wait_defaults)
# retest that `update_path_info()` has been called for each source path
qtbot.mouseClick(tab.updateButton, QtCore.Qt.MouseButton.LeftButton)
assert tab.sourceFilesWidget.rowCount() == 2
assert update_path_info_spy.call_count == 2
def test_source_copy(qapp, qtbot, monkeypatch, mocker, source_env):
Test source_copy() with and without an index passed.
If no index is passed, it should copy the first selected source
main, tab = source_env
mock_clipboard = mocker.patch.object(qapp.clipboard(), "setMimeData")
qtbot.waitUntil(lambda: tab.sourceFilesWidget.rowCount() == 2, **pytest._wait_defaults)
assert mock_clipboard.call_count == 1
source = mock_clipboard.call_args[0][0] # retrieves the QMimeData() object used in method call
assert source.text() == "/tmp"
index = tab.sourceFilesWidget.model().index(1, 0)
assert mock_clipboard.call_count == 2
source = mock_clipboard.call_args[0][0] # retrieves the QMimeData() object used in method call
assert source.text() == "/tmp/another"