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synced 2025-03-12 07:09:37 +00:00
* Add dependency for pyobjc-CoreWLAN on darwin * Rename existing implementation with Android The current implementation was tested with Android, but does not work with iOS. Move the existing implementation and include android in the name to make room for adding a new iOS metered connection detection strategy. * get_current_wifi works with objc Switch from using command line tools to using the Objective-C Cocoa API to get the Wi-Fi status information. Cocoa has an API to specifically check whether a Wi-Fi connection is using a Personal Hotspot on iOS. I'm using a private method to get the Wi-Fi interface object in Cocoa. The reason for this is that cleaning up mocks on PyObjC/ObjC objects is much harder than mocking out methods on objects in our control. Using test doubles also let's me check for different states the Wi-Fi network could be in. * get_known_wifis works on darwin Use the networksetup command on macOS to get the list of the user's Wi-Fi networks. networksetup -listpreferredwirelessnetworks bsd_device It looks like this command and option has existed on macOS since at least 2013. Also add some type annotations around the PyObjC return values to help the reader know what they're dealing with at each step. * Add test for get_current_wifi when wifi is off The user might have Wi-Fi turned off. Account for that use case. * Add iOS Personal Hotspot support to is_network_metered The DarwinNetworkManager can now determine if the user is connected to a Personal Hotspot Wi-Fi network from iOS. Account for whether the user has Wi-Fi turned on and off. * Refactor to avoid deprecated API in Cocoa According to Apple's developer documentation, creating CWInterface objects directly are discouraged. Instead, they prefer to use CWInterface objects created by CWWiFiClient. This also happens to be more compliant with Apple's application sandbox. Creating CWInterface objects directly accesses raw BSD sockets which is not allowed in the sandbox. More details here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corewlan/cwinterface * Add test case for blank Wi-Fi network name I have one of these in my list of networks in Vorta. And this also covers a missing branch in get_known_wifis. * Move private method below public methods This is to provide a little more clarity. Especially since this class is subclassing another one. * Account for when there is no wifi interface When a Mac does not have a Wi-Fi interface, CWWiFiClient.interface() can return None. Update the type annotation to mark it as Optional, and account for the null condition in the other methods. * Fix type annotation error The CI tests failed on python 3.8. I used the wrong type annotation to describe a list of SystemWifiInfo's. The tests now pass for me when I run 'make test-unit' using a python 3.8 interpreter. * Fix linter issue with imports
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from unittest.mock import MagicMock
import pytest
from vorta.network_status import darwin
def test_get_current_wifi_when_wifi_is_on(mocker):
mock_interface = MagicMock()
mock_network = MagicMock()
mock_interface.lastNetworkJoined.return_value = mock_network
mock_network.ssid.return_value = "Coffee Shop Wifi"
instance = darwin.DarwinNetworkStatus()
mocker.patch.object(instance, "_get_wifi_interface", return_value=mock_interface)
result = instance.get_current_wifi()
assert result == "Coffee Shop Wifi"
def test_get_current_wifi_when_wifi_is_off(mocker):
mock_interface = MagicMock()
mock_interface.lastNetworkJoined.return_value = None
instance = darwin.DarwinNetworkStatus()
mocker.patch.object(instance, "_get_wifi_interface", return_value=mock_interface)
result = instance.get_current_wifi()
assert result is None
def test_get_current_wifi_when_no_wifi_interface(mocker):
instance = darwin.DarwinNetworkStatus()
mocker.patch.object(instance, "_get_wifi_interface", return_value=None)
result = instance.get_current_wifi()
assert result is None
@pytest.mark.parametrize("is_hotspot_enabled", [True, False])
def test_network_is_metered_with_ios(mocker, is_hotspot_enabled):
mock_interface = MagicMock()
mock_network = MagicMock()
mock_interface.lastNetworkJoined.return_value = mock_network
mock_network.isPersonalHotspot.return_value = is_hotspot_enabled
instance = darwin.DarwinNetworkStatus()
mocker.patch.object(instance, "_get_wifi_interface", return_value=mock_interface)
result = instance.is_network_metered()
assert result == is_hotspot_enabled
def test_network_is_metered_when_wifi_is_off(mocker):
mock_interface = MagicMock()
mock_interface.lastNetworkJoined.return_value = None
instance = darwin.DarwinNetworkStatus()
mocker.patch.object(instance, "_get_wifi_interface", return_value=mock_interface)
result = instance.is_network_metered()
assert result is False
'getpacket_output_name, expected',
('normal_router', False),
('android_phone', True),
def test_is_network_metered_with_android(getpacket_output_name, expected, monkeypatch):
def mock_getpacket(device):
assert device == 'en0'
return GETPACKET_OUTPUTS[getpacket_output_name]
monkeypatch.setattr(darwin, 'call_ipconfig_getpacket', mock_getpacket)
result = darwin.is_network_metered_with_android('en0')
assert result == expected
def test_get_known_wifi_networks_when_wifi_interface_exists(monkeypatch):
networksetup_output = """
Preferred networks on en0:
Home Network
Coffee Shop Wifi
Office Wifi
darwin, "call_networksetup_listpreferredwirelessnetworks", lambda interface_name: networksetup_output
network_status = darwin.DarwinNetworkStatus()
result = network_status.get_known_wifis()
assert len(result) == 4
assert result[0].ssid == "Home Network"
def test_get_known_wifi_networks_when_no_wifi_interface(mocker):
instance = darwin.DarwinNetworkStatus()
mocker.patch.object(instance, "_get_wifi_interface", return_value=None)
results = instance.get_known_wifis()
assert results == []
def test_get_network_devices(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(darwin, 'call_networksetup_listallhardwareports', lambda: NETWORKSETUP_OUTPUT)
result = list(darwin.get_network_devices())
assert result == ['Bluetooth-Modem', 'en0', 'en1', 'en2', 'bridge0']
'normal_router': b"""\
htype = 1
flags = 0
hlen = 6
hops = 0
xid = 0x8dc8db4d
secs = 0
ciaddr =
yiaddr =
siaddr =
giaddr =
chaddr = 8c:85:90:ad:ee:a3
sname =
file =
Options count is 9
dhcp_message_type (uint8): ACK 0x5
subnet_mask (ip):
router (ip_mult): {}
domain_name_server (ip_mult): {,}
domain_name (string): .
lease_time (uint32): 0xe10
interface_mtu (uint16): 0x5dc
server_identifier (ip):
end (none):
'android_phone': b"""\
htype = 1
flags = 0
hlen = 6
hops = 0
xid = 0x8dc8db4e
secs = 0
ciaddr =
yiaddr =
siaddr =
giaddr =
chaddr = 8c:85:90:ad:ee:a3
sname =
file =
Options count is 11
dhcp_message_type (uint8): ACK 0x5
server_identifier (ip):
lease_time (uint32): 0xe0f
renewal_t1_time_value (uint32): 0x707
rebinding_t2_time_value (uint32): 0xc4d
subnet_mask (ip):
broadcast_address (ip):
router (ip_mult): {}
domain_name_server (ip_mult): {}
vendor_specific (opaque):
0000 41 4e 44 52 4f 49 44 5f 4d 45 54 45 52 45 44 ANDROID_METERED
Hardware Port: Bluetooth DUN
Device: Bluetooth-Modem
Ethernet Address: N/A
Hardware Port: Wi-Fi
Device: en0
Ethernet Address: d7:02:65:7c:1e:14
Hardware Port: Bluetooth PAN
Device: en1
Ethernet Address: N/A
Hardware Port: Thunderbolt 1
Device: en2
Ethernet Address: bb:e8:c3:25:2b:12
Hardware Port: Thunderbolt Bridge
Device: bridge0
Ethernet Address: N/A