
340 lines
13 KiB

import json
import logging
import os
import select
import shlex
import shutil
import signal
import sys
import time
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime as dt
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen, TimeoutExpired
from threading import Lock
from PyQt6 import QtCore
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication
from vorta import application
from vorta.borg.jobs_manager import JobInterface
from vorta.i18n import trans_late, translate
from vorta.keyring.abc import VortaKeyring
from vorta.keyring.db import VortaDBKeyring
from vorta.store.models import BackupProfileMixin, EventLogModel
from vorta.utils import borg_compat, pretty_bytes
keyring_lock = Lock()
db_lock = Lock()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
FakeRepo = namedtuple('Repo', ['url', 'id', 'extra_borg_arguments', 'encryption'])
FakeProfile = namedtuple('FakeProfile', ['id', 'repo', 'name', 'ssh_key'])
All methods in this class must be thread safe. Particularly,
I strongly unadvised global variable and class variables.
Sqlite access are thread-safe because peewee is thread-safe.
The method prepare is not thread-safe because of keyring and I don't know why. That's why I added a
temporary mutex.
class BorgJob(JobInterface, BackupProfileMixin):
Base class to run `borg` command line jobs. If a command needs more pre- or post-processing
it should subclass `BorgJob`.
updated = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str)
result = QtCore.pyqtSignal(dict)
keyring = None # Store keyring to minimize imports
def __init__(self, cmd, params, site="default"):
Thread to run Borg operations in.
:param cmd: Borg command line
:param params: Pass options that were used to build cmd and may be needed to
process the result.
:param site: For scheduler. Only one job can run per site at one time. Site is
usually the repository ID, or 'default' for misc Borg commands.
self.site_id = site
self.app: application.VortaApp = QApplication.instance()
# Declare labels here for translation
self.category_label = {
"files": trans_late("BorgJob", "Files"),
"original": trans_late("BorgJob", "Original"),
"deduplicated": trans_late("BorgJob", "Deduplicated"),
"compressed": trans_late("BorgJob", "Compressed"),
cmd[0] = self.prepare_bin()
# Add extra Borg args to command. Never pass None.
extra_args_str = params.get('extra_borg_arguments')
if extra_args_str is not None and len(extra_args_str) > 0:
extra_args = shlex.split(extra_args_str)
cmd = cmd[:2] + extra_args + cmd[2:]
env = os.environ.copy()
env['BORG_RSH'] = 'ssh'
if 'additional_env' in params:
env = {**env, **params['additional_env']}
password = params.get('password')
if password is not None:
env['BORG_PASSPHRASE'] = password
env['BORG_PASSPHRASE'] = '9999999' # Set dummy password to avoid prompt.
if env.get('BORG_PASSCOMMAND', False):
env.pop('BORG_PASSPHRASE', None) # Unset passphrase
ssh_key = params.get('ssh_key')
if ssh_key is not None:
ssh_key_path = os.path.expanduser(f'~/.ssh/{ssh_key}')
env['BORG_RSH'] += f' -i {ssh_key_path}'
self.env = env
self.cmd = cmd
self.cwd = params.get('cwd', None)
self.params = params
self.process = None
self.cleanup_files = params.get('cleanup_files', [])
def repo_id(self):
return self.site_id
def cancel(self):
logger.debug("Cancel job on site %s", self.site_id)
if self.process is not None:
except TimeoutExpired:
os.killpg(os.getpgid(self.process.pid), signal.SIGTERM)
except ProcessLookupError:
def prepare(cls, profile):
Prepare for running Borg. This function in the base class should be called from all
subclasses and calls that define their own `cmd`.
The `prepare()` step does these things:
- validate if all conditions to run command are met
- build borg command
`prepare()` is run 2x. First at the global level and then for each subcommand.
:return: dict(ok: book, message: str)
ret = {'ok': False}
if cls.prepare_bin() is None:
ret['message'] = trans_late('messages', 'Borg binary was not found.')
return ret
if profile.repo is None:
ret['message'] = trans_late('messages', 'Select a backup repository first.')
return ret
if not borg_compat.check('JSON_LOG'):
ret['message'] = trans_late('messages', 'Your Borg version is too old. >=1.1.0 is required.')
return ret
# Try to get password from chosen keyring backend.
with keyring_lock:
cls.keyring = VortaKeyring.get_keyring()
logger.debug("Using %s keyring to store passwords.", cls.keyring.__class__.__name__)
ret['password'] = cls.keyring.get_password('vorta-repo', profile.repo.url)
# Check if keyring is locked
if profile.repo.encryption != 'none' and not cls.keyring.is_unlocked:
ret['message'] = trans_late(
'Please unlock your system password manager or disable it under Misc',
return ret
# Try to fall back to DB Keyring, if we use the system keychain.
if ret['password'] is None and cls.keyring.is_system:
logger.debug('Password not found in primary keyring. Falling back to VortaDBKeyring.')
ret['password'] = VortaDBKeyring().get_password('vorta-repo', profile.repo.url)
# Give warning and continue if password is found there.
if ret['password'] is not None:
'Found password in database, but secure storage was available. '
'Consider re-adding the repo to use it.'
# Password is required for encryption, cannot continue
if ret['password'] is None and not isinstance(profile.repo, FakeRepo) and profile.repo.encryption != 'none':
ret['message'] = trans_late(
"Your repo passphrase was stored in a password manager which is no longer available.\n"
"Try unlinking and re-adding your repo.",
return ret
ret['ssh_key'] = profile.ssh_key
ret['repo_id'] = profile.repo.id
ret['repo_url'] = profile.repo.url
ret['extra_borg_arguments'] = profile.repo.extra_borg_arguments
ret['profile_name'] = profile.name
ret['profile_id'] = profile.id
ret['ok'] = True
ret['cleanup_files'] = []
return ret
def prepare_bin(cls):
"""Find packaged borg binary. Prefer globally installed."""
borg_in_path = shutil.which('borg')
if borg_in_path:
return borg_in_path
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
# macOS: Look in pyinstaller bundle
from Foundation import NSBundle
mainBundle = NSBundle.mainBundle()
bundled_borg = os.path.join(mainBundle.bundlePath(), 'Contents', 'Resources', 'borg-dir', 'borg.exe')
if os.path.isfile(bundled_borg):
return bundled_borg
return None
def run(self):
with db_lock:
log_entry = EventLogModel(
category=self.params.get('category', 'user'),
profile=self.params.get('profile_id', None),
logger.info('Running command %s', ' '.join(self.cmd))
p = Popen(
error_messages = [] # List of error messages included in the result
self.process = p
# Prevent blocking of stdout/err. Via https://stackoverflow.com/a/7730201/3983708
os.set_blocking(p.stdout.fileno(), False)
os.set_blocking(p.stderr.fileno(), False)
def read_async(fd):
return fd.read()
except (IOError, TypeError):
return ''
stdout = []
while True:
# Wait for new output
select.select([p.stdout, p.stderr], [], [], 0.1)
stderr = read_async(p.stderr)
if stderr:
for line in stderr.split('\n'):
parsed = json.loads(line)
if parsed['type'] == 'log_message':
context = {
'msgid': parsed.get('msgid'),
'repo_url': self.params['repo_url'],
'profile_name': self.params.get('profile_name'),
'cmd': self.params['cmd'][1],
f'[{self.params["profile_name"]}] {parsed["levelname"]}: {parsed["message"]}', context
level_int = getattr(logging, parsed["levelname"])
logger.log(level_int, parsed["message"])
if level_int >= logging.WARNING:
# Append log to list of error messages
error_messages.append((level_int, parsed["message"]))
elif parsed['type'] == 'file_status':
f'[{self.params["profile_name"]}] {parsed["path"]} ({parsed["status"]})', {}
elif parsed['type'] == 'progress_percent' and parsed.get("message"):
self.app.backup_log_event.emit(f'[{self.params["profile_name"]}] {parsed["message"]}', {})
elif parsed['type'] == 'archive_progress' and not parsed.get('finished', False):
msg = (
f"{translate('BorgJob','Files')}: {parsed['nfiles']}, "
f"{translate('BorgJob','Original')}: {pretty_bytes(parsed['original_size'])}, "
# f"{translate('BorgJob','Compressed')}: {pretty_bytes(parsed['compressed_size'])}, "
f"{translate('BorgJob','Deduplicated')}: {pretty_bytes(parsed['deduplicated_size'])}" # noqa: E501
self.app.backup_progress_event.emit(f"[{self.params['profile_name']}] {msg}")
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
msg = line.strip()
if msg: # Log only if there is something to log.
self.app.backup_log_event.emit(f'[{self.params["profile_name"]}] {msg}', {})
if p.poll() is not None:
result = {
'params': self.params,
'returncode': self.process.returncode,
'cmd': self.cmd,
'errors': error_messages,
stdout = ''.join(stdout)
result['data'] = json.loads(stdout)
except ValueError:
result['data'] = stdout
log_entry.returncode = p.returncode
log_entry.repo_url = self.params.get('repo_url', None)
log_entry.end_time = dt.now()
with db_lock:
for tmpfile in self.cleanup_files:
def process_result(self, result):
def started_event(self):
self.updated.emit(self.tr('Task started'))
def finished_event(self, result):