7 Installation on OpenWrt
ilike2burnthing edited this page 2022-10-23 01:28:53 +01:00

Install required dependencies

You need to install the following dependencies: icu, libstdcpp6, libintl, whoami, pgrep

opkg update && opkg install icu70 icu-full-data70 libstdcpp6 libintl-full8 procps-ng procps-ng-pgrep coreutils-whoami

Install as service

  1. Download and extract the latest Jackett.Binaries.LinuxMusl(AMDx64,ARM32,ARM64).tar.gz release from the releases page
  2. To install Jackett as a service, open a Terminal, cd to the Jackett folder, and create a new file called install_service_openwrt.sh with the script at the end of this page. Give it execution permissions chmod +x install_service_openwrt.sh
  3. Run sudo ./install_service_openwrt.sh You need root permissions to install the service. The service will start on each logon. You can always stop it by running /etc/init.d/jackett stop from Terminal. You can start it again it using /etc/init.d/jackett start. Logs are stored as usual under /var/log/jackett/log.txt. Jackett configs are stored as usual under /opt/Jackett.

Run without installing as a service

Download and extract the latest Jackett.Binaries.LinuxMusl(AMDx64,ARM32,ARM64).tar.gz release from the releases page, open a Terminal, cd to the Jackett folder and run Jackett with the command ./jackett_launcher.sh

Home directory

If you want to run it with a user without a /home directory you need to add Environment=XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/path/to/folder to your systemd file, this folder will be used to store your config files.


If you get an error related to pgrep when you execute ./jackett_launcher.sh. You can edit that script to use pgrep-procps-ng instead.


Copy the following script in a file called install_service_openwrt.sh inside the Jackett folder.


# If you have problems installing Jackett, please open an issue on
# https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett/issues

# Setting up colors
BOLDRED="$(printf '\033[1;31m')"
BOLDGREEN="$(printf '\033[1;32m')"
NC="$(printf '\033[0m')" # No Color

# Check if the install script is running as root
EUID=$(id -u)
if [ "$EUID" -ne "0" ]; then
    echo "${BOLDRED}ERROR${NC}: Please run this script as root"
    exit 1

# Check if Jackett service is running
echo "Checking if the service '${JACKETT_SERVICE}' is running ..."
if /etc/init.d/${JACKETT_SERVICE} running; then
    echo "Service '${JACKETT_SERVICE}' is running"

    # Stop and unload the service
    if /etc/init.d/${JACKETT_SERVICE} stop; then
        echo "Service '${JACKETT_SERVICE}' stopped"
        echo "${BOLDRED}ERROR${NC}: The service '${JACKETT_SERVICE}' Can not be stopped"
        exit 1

    echo "Service '${JACKETT_SERVICE}' is not running"

# Move working directory to Jackett's
JACKETT_DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
echo "Jackett will be installed in '${JACKETT_DIR}'"
if ! cd "${JACKETT_DIR}"; then
    echo "${BOLDRED}ERROR${NC}: Can not cd into '${JACKETT_DIR}' folder"
    exit 1

# Check if we're running from Jackett's directory
if [ ! -f ./jackett ]; then
    echo "${BOLDRED}ERROR${NC}: Can not locate 'jackett' file in '${JACKETT_DIR}'."
    echo "Is the script in the right directory?"
    exit 1

# Check if Jackett's owner is root
if [ "${JACKETT_USER}" == "root" ] || [ "${JACKETT_USER}" == "UNKNOWN" ] ; then
    echo "${BOLDRED}ERROR${NC}: The owner of Jackett directory is '${JACKETT_USER}'."
    echo "Please, change the owner with the command 'chown <user>:<user> -R \"${JACKETT_DIR}\"'"
    echo "The user <user> will be used to run Jackett."
    exit 1
echo "Jackett will be executed with the user '${JACKETT_USER}'"

# Write the systemd service descriptor
echo "Creating Jackett unit file in '${JACKETT_SERVICE_PATH}' ..."
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common




start_service() {
	user_exists ${JACKETT_USER} 279 || user_add ${JACKETT_USER} 279
	group_exists ${JACKETT_USER} 279 || group_add ${JACKETT_USER} 279

	if [ ! -d \$logdir ]; then
		mkdir -p \$logdir \$datadir
		touch \$logdir/log.txt \$logdir/updater.txt
		ln -s \$logdir/log.txt \$datadir
		ln -s \$logdir/updater.txt \$datadir
		chown ${JACKETT_USER}:${JACKETT_USER} \$logdir \$datadir \$logdir/*.txt \$datadir/*.txt

	procd_set_param user ${JACKETT_USER}
	procd_set_param env XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/opt
	procd_set_param command ${JACKETT_DIR}/jackett_launcher.sh
	procd_set_param stdout 1
	procd_set_param stderr 1
	procd_set_param respawn
	procd_set_param pidfile /var/run/jackett.pid

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "${BOLDRED}ERROR${NC}: Can not create the file '${JACKETT_SERVICE_PATH}'"
    echo "The UnitPath of systemd changes from one distribution to another. You may have to edit the script and change the path manually."
    exit 1

echo "Installing Jackett service ..."
# Enable the service for following restarts
if ! /etc/init.d/${JACKETT_SERVICE} enable; then
    echo "${BOLDRED}ERROR${NC}: Can not enable the service '${JACKETT_SERVICE}'"
    exit 1

# Run the service
if ! /etc/init.d/${JACKETT_SERVICE} start; then
    echo "${BOLDRED}ERROR${NC}: The service '${JACKETT_SERVICE}' Can not be started"
    exit 1

if /etc/init.d/${JACKETT_SERVICE} running; then
    echo "${BOLDGREEN}Service successfully installed and launched!${NC}"
    echo "${BOLDRED}ERROR${NC}: Can not start the service '${JACKETT_SERVICE}'"
    exit 1