[🌎 Google Translate](https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FM66B%2FFairEmail%2Fblob%2Fmaster%2FPRIVACY.md)
FairEmail **adheres** to the [Google API Services User Data Policy](https://developers.google.com/terms/api-services-user-data-policy#additional_requirements_for_specific_api_scopes),
including the Limited Use requirements. Google API Services are used only to authenticate Gmail accounts through OAuth.
| Mozilla autoconfig | Email address of email accounts | Upon configuring an email account |
| Email server | Login credentials, messages sent | Upon configuring and using an account or identity and upon sending messages |
| ipinfo.io | IP (network) address of domain names of links or email addresses | Upon pressing a button in the link confirmation dialog |
| Spamhaus | IP (network) address of domain names of links or email addresses | If spam blocklists are enabled, upon receiving a message |
| Spamcop | IP (network) address of domain names of links or email addresses | If spam blocklists are enabled, upon receiving a message |
| Barracuda | IP (network) address of domain names of links or email addresses | If spam blocklists are enabled, upon receiving a message |
| DeepL | Received or entered message text and target language code | Upon pressing a translate button |
| LanguageTool | Entered message texts | Upon long pressing the save draft button |
| Gravatar | [MD5 hash](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5) of email addresses | If Gravatars are enabled, upon receiving a message (GitHub version only) |
| Libravatar | [MD5 hash](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5) of email addresses | If Libravatars are enabled, upon receiving a message (GitHub version only) |
| GitHub | None, but see the remarks below | Upon downloading Disconnect's Tracker Protection lists |
| | | Upon checking for updates (GitHub version only) |
| BIMI | Domain name of email addresses | If BIMI is enabled, upon receiving a message |
| Favicons | Domain name of email addresses | If favicons are enabled, upon receiving a message |
| Link title | Link address | Upon pressing a button in the insert link dialog |
| Bugsnag | Information about warnings and errors | If error reporting is enabled, upon detecting an abnormal situation |
For any legal issues, the place of jurisdiction is Dordrecht, the Netherlands.
## A. General information on data processing
### I. Scope of personal data processing
This privacy policy / data protection declaration applies to the Android app FairEmail.
The data processor only processes personal data insofar as absolutely required for providing a functioning email client as well as the explicitly requested services.
Users' personal data is usually only processed if required for fulfilling contractual or legal obligations or with the user's consent.
### II Purpose of data processing
The purpose of any data processed is to provide you with the service requested.
The app by default exclusively processes data that is necessary for the proper functioning of the app and its intended purpose of being an email client.
### III. Data storage and data deletion
By default, all data (both personal and non-personal) remains on the data subject's Android device for as long as not explicitly sent or shared by the data subject.
The data stored on the data subject's device can be deleted by the data subject at any time.
### IV. Sub-processors
The services of all sub-processors are disabled by default.
The data subject's data is sent to and processed by sub-processors if and only if explicitly enabled or requested by the data subject.